To be honest, making money on a phone app? No way to lose it? I honestly believe that it will be a downgrade due to the fact, no money goes into it but you get free money. Furthermore this server is a serious rp type server. Now the in IRL you wouldn't make weed of your phone and get free money. IRL you would spend time, money a lot of effort to make this. Overall I believe this is a downgrade as it can not be lost, the police can not find the source of this and it will ruin the economy.
Just an extra note so you stop posting this utter shit, you don't get anything if your suggestion gets accepted. No money, no special rank, literally a steaming pile of nothing.
Here's a suggestion for your next suggestion "hey lets change PerpHeads to LostRP because why not". Your reconsiderations are unrealistic, constant and possibly borderline retarded. Only recommend stuff that can A: Be implemented on the server, B: Be of actual fecking use to the server and C: What you think the Majority of people would want. Not just to help some sweater because he is bored.
Stop Post whoring. And I thought ermak was bad. Soz bae