Week long break (ish)

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Niko's PC
Due to a certain dickish move (@Jeffer Cake , @Puma123 ) I lost 50k now I'm poor af. And don't have any real motivation to play on the server. I'm gonna take a break before I get really stupid and break rules.
Well thats really stupid lmfao
Do you know how fast you can make 50k in growing xD
It's only 50K. If you have no motivation to play then become a paramedic. You'll have 50k in a days work.

isnt it 1k every 5 minutes if you have a good mayor? + cleaning bodies & reviving? Shouldn't take more than 3-4 hours if you dont wanna grow.

Or find a good amount of video's to watch, get a TV and grow for 80 minutes.
Over 50k, I make that in seconds? Just grow and study at same time, making fuck tons of cash :kappa:
Saying that you broke 3.4 and mugged us both in public as well... I think you'll be taking a longer break ;-; But it was franklin who robbed ya money and I didn't even get any of it.

But rip you I guess
Seriously? All over 50k? Mate you can easily make that money back, just by growing drugs or doing meth. Personally, I wouldn't just take a break because you lost that, I lost 100k yesterday and Im not complaining.
I spend hundreads of thousands daily on weapons bombs and cars. I am still here mate. Tbh looks like you want attention maybe?

Dumb ratings incoming

Ok Teemo you made this post for attention. We have all been scammed before, you don't just cry then leave. Ok so you said Franklin Joens scammed you 50k, thats nothing mate, he scammed [NG] Matt 700k. 700. Did Matt leave no, life goes on we all live and learn.

We all knew you did this for attention when you said (I'm going to be hopping on and off server occasionly), which means you're still going to play on the server. lmao
Ok Teemo you made this post for attention. We have all been scammed before, you don't just cry then leave. Ok so you said Franklin Joens scammed you 50k, thats nothing mate, he scammed [NG] Matt 700k. 700. Did Matt leave no, life goes on we all live and learn.

We all knew you did this for attention when you said (I'm going to be hopping on and off server occasionly), which means you're still going to play on the server. lmao

If you actually read what I wrote it says im taking a break so I don't break rules as I'm quite salty after what happened .Attention ? No , just telling the people I play with (that I don't have on steam) that I won't be as active
''If it Doesn't Challange You, It Doesn't Change You.''

Just do it, Grow and get your 50k back! Don't let your dreams be dreams, just do IT!

its 50k, oh my god, roflmao.