We do not currently have a welfare division and as of the moment there are no plans to introduce one. When Public Relations used to be People Services, it performed a pseudo-Human Resources function which didn't work particularly well for a whole host of reasons, hence why we probably won't bring such an initiative back again.
The re-introduction of Staff Sergeants was to increase the scope for delegated responsibility down from Commanding Officers (Captains) and Command Members (Lieutenants), to allow for more intimate workstreams. Both Patrol and Traffic I believe have a Staff Sergeant who is responsible for welfare functions.
I do concur and agree, however, that we can be doing far more to increase visibility and inclusivity across the whole of the chain of command. I am currently working on a Officer/Senior Officer Development Scheme which will feed into that, and we will use the input that colleagues provide in the previous and on-going Satisfaction Survey results to come up with new initiatives.
If you have any further suggestions with what we could do specifically to improve the lives and inclusivity of newly-recruited Officers, then please do not hesitate to get in-touch with
@Hayden or I directly. I will also bookmark this thread and follow it along in-case anyone contributes some further ideas here.