What am I doing wrong?

Reaction score
Now that everybody basically hates me, what am i doing wrong here? Don't just say i lack intelligence or decency, give actual feedback. I dont want to be the most hated member, but it seems i am.
Well, i personally don't hate you, but some member told me you are a faggot or something like that once.
I think people hate you because of your not logic descisions and because you're a little rude. After Sdac and Trande, i can't say that you're rude.
Hate is a strong word, I'd say strongly disliked. :kappa:

You're posting useless replies/comments which contribute nothing to thread(s), being whiny instead of using the criticism you get to improve, instead you ignore it and get annoyed, you made this thread instead of asking asking in shoutbox/making a convo(PM)/etc., not listening to people you're in an argument with and alike.

Maybe try to don't take all the banter serious too? That's a huge thing. PH is in my opinion a community with alot of banter in it meaning that you'll have to "manage" banter well in order to not stand out. I don't mind people standing out, but It's possible to stand out in a bad way.
1.You constantly post on organisation pages and moan about how they ruin RP experiences.
2.You post stuff without thinking, unnecessary or excessive which may or may not contribute anything (see this Puush or this suggestion)
3.The way you +Support ban requests (see this Puush)
4.This thread
5.Giving feedback without constructive criticism how he/she could do better next time or atleast tell what he/she has done wrong as a LT (see this Puush)

These are some examples, I do not hate you or anyone else from this community (except for *cough* Kawaii *cough* who was a fag DDOS'ing, but we won't mention him here anymore), start thinking a bit before posting and I am sure you won't be overthrown with ratings you seem to take very seriously.
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Thanks for those of you who've responded, Ill try my best to make these changes. And if i get out of line either in game, or on the forums and you want me to stop feel free to remind me.
Hate is a strong word, I'd say strongly disliked. :kappa:

You're posting useless replies/comments which contribute nothing to thread(s), being whiny instead of using the criticism you get to improve, instead you ignore it and get annoyed, you made this thread instead of asking asking in shoutbox/making a convo(PM)/etc., not listening to people you're in an argument with and alike.

Maybe try to don't take all the banter serious too? That's a huge thing. PH is in my opinion a community with alot of banter in it meaning that you'll have to "manage" banter well in order to not stand out. I don't mind people standing out, but It's possible to stand out in a bad way.

Right, well i made a thread for a couple of reasons. Thr first Is that i wanted anyone to be able to reply to this at their leisure. Also if i used a PM I'd have to make multiple, and i dont want to just take up a slot in inboxes. It just works out more in a thread because i can adress generally, and specifically at once.
Personally, I have no issues with you what-so-ever. You are not hated, it is all in your head. Sure, you can tick off certain members at certain times for various reasons but that does not necessarily mean that they hate/strongly dislike you, the probably do not even know who you are or what you are like - your personality. Everybody manages to get inside each others heads' in one way or another.

Do not stop being yourself or change anything that you do or say. In this community, there is a bit of a battle between banter and "maturity" - and it seems like banter is starting to get ahead, you have seem to have gotten between it, being a bit too serious when it really is not necessary, saying the wrong things at the wrong times, if you understand what I mean.

The only thing I would suggest you do is to be yourself but in a way that does not directly effect others - focus on yourself and not people around you, they will most likely forget about what you have done, mainly because a majority are quite stupid :3 Ignore people who say bad things about you, they are most likely just jealous or finding a reason to draw attention away from themselves and to others.

Hope you understood what I mean. There are many more "hated" members of the community, relax and you will be fine.

I made it early.
What do you mean don't say a lack of intelligence?

Everything you say on the forums is because of a lack of intelligence or thought. People don't hate you, they are just seriously annoyed with what you say because you don't think.