What do you think about those edits?

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There's those CSGO edits that have so many fucking effects that you cant see the kills nor realize what the fuck is going on.
Please tell me what you think cuz I personally see this as a clusterfuck

This one has sperm flying around through out the whole video

This one has like some bottles and shit flying In the start idk

I was watching some of these with my friends at night when I was very tired, and my brain got hurt trying to realize what is going on.
Im too lazy to search for even more over-edited vids but this is the only one I liked because it doesn't give me epilepsy
The overly excessive edits are alright but the ones i love the most are the simple but good edits.
Redjoo's edits are the best.
stuff like clockwork is made to show off actual video editing skills rather than the kills from the montage, so you aren't really meant to know what's going on, just meant to adore the effort put into it (which is crazy good)

to be fair I prefer it when there is little to no effects added, other than some colour changes, otherwise it just looks aids and takes away from the point of the video also if it's csgo then no hud is best otherwise it looks stupid
The best effect I've seen from one of your videos is the one that got me a 1 month ban.