What is the best assault rifle?

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Zagreb, Croatia
Now, before you tell me 'Go on the queue server and find out', I've been doing it and studying the best rifle for me. However I'm not gonna lie. I'm not the 'combat type'. I rarely use heavy firearms (except shotguns) because my aim sucks while I'm under pressure and I have a hard time controling the recoil of some guns like the AK, Sako and SCAR-L. I would like to hear the opinions of the people who are 'lucky' enough to see this thread and any help would be very much apreatiated. For now I've settled for the M4 because of its low recoil and high rate of fire, however, I still want to check if this is the best assault rifle for me. Also, any attatchment suggestions that can help me manage recoil and make my weapon more accurate is also welcome. Thank you for reading, any response is usefull.
Honestly, it's all an opinion. It's a personal thing, there's no real set gun that is better because it's all about aiming, actually making sure you hit those shots. Preferably, I like the Ak74U and the M4. The red dot sight is a good sight and it's a preference to many people.
The M16 is a great gun with rifle reflex and a supressor, you can use burst fire and just spam it and there is very little recoil and it still has a great firerate. Also the AK74-U is cool and probably my favourite out of all of them, it's fairly quiet and at level 70 marksmanship the recoil is very small.

But really, all the guns are good, it just comes down to personal preference, any rifle can do the job most of the time.
G3A3 is my personal favorite and will always be in any game due to it's high caliber. You won't like the recoil but it's ability to one bang is amazing, even armored opponents.

Same goes for the SG550. Pair it with a compensator and burst fire and you got a burst firing beast (which even says so in the description of the gun itself). It never failed me back when I always used it as SWAT.
It is mostly a personal preference. Some guns are very accurate + deals more damage. However they usually have a higher recoil. Some other guns has little recoil but deal less damage + they are less accurate at longer ranges.
It usually depends on distance and situation.
This is very useful info feng. What would you say is the 10/10 Olsen Banden approved firearm of your choice?
Every weapon is different to the others it just depends on your preference and what suits you most.

My advice take a look at them all and decide what suits you best.