This is an answer to Minilarro, which I made into a seperate post because it was too long for a comment.
Just no. Payday the Heist is terrible. The environments are ugly and undetailed, the aiming is sluggish, your AI-teammates are horrible and can't handle even the simplest things, leaving you having to deal with all the objectives by yourself. The game also only features about 6 maps. Additionally, at times the enemies will respawn endlessly until you move forward, which means that if you take it easy and try to be tactical you'll run out of ammo very quickly and die because of that. Lastly, it takes ridiculously long for you to complete certain objectives, which could've been solved in a much better way instead of just making you wait for a drill or something like that. Also, no matter how hard you try, pretty much every mission will always end in a full on firefight, meaning that you can't sneak through a mission, even if you want to. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to play Payday the Heist now that there is Payday 2.