What Would You Do?: Being Raided Edition

WWYD After being raided

  • Cry Softly

    Votes: 12 13.6%
  • Go Into a Rage Frenzy and Throw Things Around

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Take a Deep Breathe and Relax, Maybe brew a cup of tea.

    Votes: 45 51.1%
  • Quit Garry's Mod, Shut down the Computer and Cry yourself to sleep.

    Votes: 24 27.3%

  • Total voters
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The dreaded moment comes, Your batch is halfway grown, Your excited for the money and then you hear the sounds of a lockpick. Your heart races as you reach for your gun, Locking yourself in the room with the drugs, You aim your weapon at the door and take a deep breathe, The door flies open and 3 people come barreling into the room and shoot you down. You are dead, Your batch & Firearm are now gone. WWYD.

(This is just for fun :) )
The thing is, I'm always at base when there's a raid. so I go kill silently. I drag their body into a van, drive it to the lake, cut their organs out. I let the body bleed heavily. I throw it in the lake and then go back and repeat.
Always call the cops. Just say you heard shots as well and they'll respond faster aha :)
I can't do shit IC if i die.

I would however just go and jack a car or two and waste their fuel for fun if there's someone I'm upset with before getting a new place to grow.
I would call Bolli to one-bang all of them.
I'd fuck them all up then teabag them. Then blow up their cars and drag their body's into a funny position in the toilet of my apartment.
I would bind my MOUSE4 button to "say /looc Don't fuck with Crescendo." and spam it every time someone dies :kappa: (oh lawd, good old Crescendo times)

When I fail defending my property from a raid it is not any huge problem, however it is frustrating when you lost some expensive gun and a whole drug batch.Since I always carry a life alert I am hoping that cops will arrive any time shortly and rek the raiders which results in them not profiting but making a huge loss.House alarm helps too, once they hear it they just think "Fuck it, cops know that we are raiding we better get the fudge out." or they simply stay and still attempt to atleast get something out of the raid.
I find whoever raided me's car and carbomb it, then snipe everyone involved. It's very satisfying actually
Best thing to do if you have survived a lost raid is to remember the raiders and the car they drove in .

look for the car, bomb it or mug/kill them. This is bt far the best way to ger revenge.
The thing is, I'm always at base when there's a raid. so I go kill silently. I drag their body into a van, drive it to the lake, cut their organs out. I let the body bleed heavily. I throw it in the lake and then go back and repeat.

yo can a mod delete this lmao