Suggestion Title: whe need a slovenian radio station
Suggestion Description: Why ? well you have seen the succes of balkan mix and its time to have a "gasilska veselica" in the server with the new Slovenian radio
I can send you the moast popular radio in Slovenia here is the link or i can recomend you some other ones or you can add just music if you dont find a good radio well message me for song suggestions but heres the radio:
Why should this be added?:
- Well i think you have seen the the rise of balkan mix and it would be cool if you incloud the slovenian mix as well
What negatives could this have?:
- Some people may not understend the songs but do you realy understend the balkan mix ??
Useful Images:
Suggestion Description: Why ? well you have seen the succes of balkan mix and its time to have a "gasilska veselica" in the server with the new Slovenian radio
I can send you the moast popular radio in Slovenia here is the link or i can recomend you some other ones or you can add just music if you dont find a good radio well message me for song suggestions but heres the radio:
Why should this be added?:
- Well i think you have seen the the rise of balkan mix and it would be cool if you incloud the slovenian mix as well

What negatives could this have?:
- Some people may not understend the songs but do you realy understend the balkan mix ??
Useful Images: