Where does your PERP IC name come from?

Baba came from Dad as in father and i was originally named Baba123FacebookTwitter on other servers, I then joined perp as won shing won gang member and all of us had to have surname Won. So instead of Baba123FacebookTwitter Won i js shortened it to Baba Won.
Rogue Noir was just the X-Men + a cool word I liked, but then I found out someone was already named rogue, people kept thinking I was them, and I didn't want to steal their drip so I just changed it to another X-Men and called it a day

joined server, named myself fnaf security guards, micspammed + was planning to mrdm anyway with the 3 friends that i originally joined with,
was briefly given 2 or 3 chances to change my name before i was set to Ryan Lucas,
me and friends realised server was pretty fun and yea
Noah Santiago, Noah is my actual name and I put Santiago when trying to join some cartel-style org in 2014, never did join lol
Sim Kabey.

Sim is a shortened version of my Surname and a nickname I've had for a very long time so I'm use to responding to it.

With Kabey, I didn't want to be called Sim Shady because it sounded and looked way too close to Slim Shady aka Eminem so I tried some other letters to get the same sounding name and came up with Kabey which I think works pretty well!
Original name Jimmy Brown was a random name generator back in 2015 and currently i am "Peter Wolf" as a sweater stole my name when I was named something funny and collier wouldnt get it back and now that sweater is perma banned. So i took @Collier 's old name hostage, and still do to this day.