Damn love the idea of this thread.
Very nostalgic trip down memory lane and some lore about everyone.
Here's my backstory of my IC names including which years I've had these names:
2017 - 2019
Talos Leite

Also known as Tiber Septim the Hero-God of man and one of the Nine Divines. Known from the Elder Scrolls.

If you know, you know.
2019 - 2022
Jacob Pope
This was when I wanted a more realistic name.
I came op with Jacob since it's a name that was easy to pronounce for everyone and a name I've for some reason always liked.
This wasn't my original choice/idea. I wanted to take Bishop as my last name since I really liked the name of Jack Bishop, a character from the Punisher series. But because I didn't want to copy that too much I went with something like Bishop: 'Pope'.
My DJ-Alias is 'The Bishop' tho (random fun fact).
Jacob Pope is the name most people got to know and recognize me as.
2022 - Present
Gus Pope
Since getting my previous name I've actually started making friends in PERP who I've started getting to know outside of only IC.
So logically we've gotten to know each others real names. So it started to get confusing when some people called me Gus and others calling me Jacob.
My real IRL name is
Guus however. But since only Dutch people know how to pronounce it. I went with the English version of it: Gus.
I still liked Pope and wanted people to still recognize my name, I kept it.