WilliamVamsti forum ban request.

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Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Causing allot of general problems on the forums. Using disability's to insult people and constantly going into an argue in the comment fuction. Making the threads look silly by constant harassment. Also constantly abusing the rating system.

Evidence (Demo Required): I'm pretty sure most of us know what all happend.

Idk where to post this so yeah.
Providing evidence can really help here. Or at least fully explain what happened. I don't know what happened so enlighten me I always love a good story.
Right then.

First off I'd like to say that my original forum account is banned due to a number of infractions, however the one which got me banned was due to a conversation via PM between me and William.

The first message was sent by William, which told me to stop posting on his profile I replied with "I'll do what I want" - We had a back and fourth for a while, the first insult was dished out by William who felt it was necessary to call me a "Little Bitch" and carried on being disrespectful throughout the conversation talking about how I had no social life, etc.

I was fairly offended, therefore I gave him some back, thinking that due to him being disrespectful I could do it back? Surely?
Sadly, I only have my side of the conversation, and two messages I sent but I'm sure William would be more than happy to show his side aswell, considering he was the one who actually started being disrespectful and provoked me.

Oh, and the person who gave me the forum infraction? Started playing CS:GO with William a few minutes after. I have to make this fairly brief due to being on my phone but here are a few screenshots.

He said that my signature wasn't valid because I was 'useless' or something along the lines of that.
Also before this point he called me a little bitch.



After I got banned from the forums, he instantly send this on the Teamspeak Server:

Oh, and the person who banned me (Or gave the infraction)

Playing CS:GO with him a few minutes after...

I shouldn't be banned, this all happened VIA PM and William provoked me first, however Loejseren seemed to get the wrong side of the story, or just didn't fully look into the entire conversation.

He sent me the first message, he was disrespectful first.. Where's his infraction?

I didn't deserve this, and it seems William has carried on being disrespectful to other people - I'd like to remind you all that he's being unbanned twice from a perm on the server.

Hopefully an Administrator can go over this and I can get unbanned, and/or William can be infracted for utter disrespect.
I will here by hand this ban request to @MoronPipllyd or @Swiper The Fox as I do first of all not have the authority to ban someone from the forums also as it would be fair by this way

Might as well just close this buddy, Its clear that most of the people are just butthurt because they were either denied in armenian applications or simply cant handle truth. I suggest you all that have a grudge against me to message me privately instead of supporting this idiotic ban request, which we all know is a joke.

@JarredInator you telling me I'm trying to cause trouble? then what the fuck is this https://perpheads.com/threads/explanation.8147/
Might as well just close this buddy, Its clear that most of the people are just butthurt because they were either denied in armenian applications or simply cant handle truth. I suggest you all that have a grudge against me to message me privately instead of supporting this idiotic ban request, which we all know is a joke.

@JarredInator you telling me I'm trying to cause trouble? then what the fuck is this https://perpheads.com/threads/explanation.8147/

It's funny, post the conversation we had William? Show the disrespect you showed towards me?
No. You won't. You're too scared that people will see this truth you're talking about.
Might as well just close this buddy, Its clear that most of the people are just butthurt because they were either denied in armenian applications or simply cant handle truth. I suggest you all that have a grudge against me to message me privately instead of supporting this idiotic ban request, which we all know is a joke.

@JarredInator you telling me I'm trying to cause trouble? then what the fuck is this https://perpheads.com/threads/explanation.8147/

There I asked for explanation from the staff team why your ban was so low.
The staff team
And what did i get?
You and your fanboys telling the most retard shit you could imagine which was so super necessary no one except you and your fanboys could give a fuck.

I don't care about the Armenian maffia and people getting denied. I posted this ban request to get you banned. If people post their opinion then go ahead. I don't care.

Constantly posting other excuses why people don't like you while it's just a simple reason why.

You are a retard.
There I asked for explanation from the staff team why your ban was so low.
The staff team
And what did i get?
You and your fanboys telling the most retard shit you could imagine which was so super necessary no one except you and your fanboys could give a fuck.

I don't care about the Armenian maffia and people getting denied. I posted this ban request to get you banned. If people post their opinion then go ahead. I don't care.

Constantly posting other excuses why people don't like you while it's just a simple reason why.

You are a retard.

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Causing allot of general problems on the forums. Using disability's to insult people and constantly going into an argue in the comment fuction. Making the threads look silly by constant harassment. Also constantly abusing the rating system.

  • You are a retard.

Complaining about me calling people retarded or autistic and you do the same?
You all are acting like children. This all could have been avoided by not responding but you guys did, did you not? Grow the fuck up and stop being immature all of this could have been avoided. There is no excuse why. All you guys are bringing is filth to the forums. Act like adults and don't engage in conversations that will end badly. And I highly doubt no one will read my message and they'll act like children.
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