With respect to 3.4, what is the way to measure whether it's worth defending a private apartment you raided in turn of risking police wave.

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@KeiwaM did try to explain it to me but I find it quite hard to get my head around the way to properly measure the risk being equivalent or less than the reward of defending and possibly risking another police wave. I want to request maybe some examples or a statement as a guide to help me avoid breaking 3.4 while properly collecting the winnings of my victorious raids.
It's not something that really has a "hard limit" on it, because it depends on a lot of factors, both including the amount of planters you are waiting for, how long they have left and how many cops you are expecting to turn up (eg how many have you already killed?).

In general, if you stick around for more than 10 minutes in the same apartment after killing both raiders and cops to wait for drugs, I will often inform you that it's time to leave. The player also needs to return to their apartment, but if you're sitting in there with a gun for 20 minutes, it will be hard.

Same deal, if you killed 5 or 6 TFU and a wave of 10 or so cops, it's probably not a good idea to wait for 10 minutes until they can respond again either. That's way too risky.
Don't stay in an apartment and continue to fight police in order to retrieve your friend's glock 20 with no attachments, its not that hard really, use common sense
lmao maia yea that makes sense Both responses are actually extremely helpful. I would request maybe you can give an example where it is the bare minimum required for staying. Like is it ok to stay to wait for one planter of coca to grow out for 10 minutes after you found it at 75% after getting done killing all the cops and criminals. If so would the permissibility of waiting or not waiting change depending on if it's high pop hours meaning there are many cops and depending on how many raiding teammates you have?
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