Workbench crafting

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Type of bug: lua

Description of the bug: Several items when crafted go to your inventory instead of the workbench's inventory. Bandages and Rifle ammo notably. I seriously doubt this is meant to happen.
Please post below what other items go to your inventory instead of the workbench when they should.

How to reproduce the bug: Craft bandages or rifle ammo using the workbench.

Time stamp(s): 7:30 GMT+1 July 4th.
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Pretty sure it is meant to happen. Can you imagine crafting a load of bandages, it would literally just fill up the workbench so quickly it would be completely useless.
Type of bug: lua

Description of the bug: Several items when crafted go to your inventory instead of the workbench's inventory. Bandages and Rifle ammo notably. I seriously doubt this is meant to happen.
Please post below what other items go to your inventory instead of the workbench when they should.

How to reproduce the bug: Craft bandages or rifle ammo using the workbench.

Time stamp(s): 7:30 GMT+1 July 4th.

you dont need a workbench to cradt bandages, and you only need a crafting table for bullet casings, you dont need a workbench for the actual rifle ammo so they're supposed to go into your inventory.
Doesn't make a lot of sense if you're looking at a workbench though.
well, it does? you dont need a workbench for bandages, so you dont need to look at one. Rifle ammo you can craft the casings there then walk away?
Of course you don't need a workbench but if you're crafting stuff and the category limits what you can hold like rifle ammo does, it's best to just be able to craft a bunch and immediately have them go to workbench storage if you're looking at it, then transfer to personal storage after you're done.
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