Workbench needed for small stuff? Why?

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Description of the idea:
Remove the need for a workbench when it comes to crafting the following items:
- Bobby Pins
- Crowbars
- Stimpaks,
- Bullet casings
- Molotovs
- Sawed off shotguns (not the full Shotguns, just turning a full shotgun into a sawed off)

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Small stuff shouldn’t require you to purchase an entire property just to make. No reason a lock pick made from a wood nail and A small piece of metal would require an entire workshop. Same for other items listed.
- Sawed off shotguns also require a saw horse to make for some reason, Alongside a crafting bench, because yanno ReAsOnS.
What negatives could this have? (cons):
- I really can’t think of a con.​
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+1, why do i need to have a workbench to craft my 2k stims, its like wtf, you only use 1 plastic and 1 paper towel, no metal is required.
The point is, you need a saw horse, AND a workbench. Editing the original post for pedants like you.
people will carry max bobby pins and then extra materials to craft them a bit gay if you ask me

same with stim packs they can stay stocked up
So what you're saying is people will sit there in shootouts crafting stims and bobbies? You know how much of a handicap that'd be?
Going off what benji said, if you know they shot someone/shot cops if your an officer, your allowed to rush em whilst bandaging/crafting shit and shoot em, if you can give a proper reasoning for the actions you did, justifying why you did it, it should be fine.
it doesnt take an idiot to take cover whilst their friends shoot, plus it doesnt even take that long to craft a stim or a pin
I haven't seen a single positive thread about the workbench besides developers being extremely toxic to those who question it. Why not remove it entirely or have people become to like it?
It wasn’t completely cancer til either by the result of a bug, or an intentional feature (and by god if it’s the latter then holy shit) they made it so you can’t physgun it to a different position to allow other people to place there’s. Most apartments only have 2 spots and on All occasions except bazaar shops, crafting Bench slots are also chemical table slots so if your org are drying coke or doing meth , you cant fucking craft.

Items that should not require a stove, sawhorse etc... will no longer have the workbench as a requirement.

This does not mean that the list itself is accepted, cuz some of the stuff should definitely require a workbench. Unless you can melt metal with your hands?

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