Server Suggestion XMas month temporary event job: Snow Plow

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Suggestion Title: XMas month temporary event job: Snow Plow
Suggestion Description: Adding a “Snow plow” job from the moment the PERPheads winter festive event begins.

The snow plow job should grant the player access to a GMC sierra with a snow plow on the front.

Their job will be to drive around roads (and maybe pavements) into snow piles that appear, despawning them upon running them over and making the roads safe again! Snow piles would appear on roads and be “nocollided” but should slow down cars trying to drive through them, making them a minor inconvenience to road users that can be solved by the snow plow guys.

The job should share its join location with the Roadcrew, as it makes sense as in many countries and places the Municipal Road Management Authority of that area would also be responsible for snow plowing.

They should get $250 per snow pile plowed. The job should have a minimum of 2 slots and a maximum of 6. They’ll get a communication radio and should be given a text chat people can use to report snow piles.

@Allen Kennedy has proposed that this adds to Roadcrew XP too, Which is a pretty sick idea.

Why should this be added?:
- Fun Xmas limited event job.
- Development probably isn’t hard seeing as it’s just “Go to point” based objective gameplay.
- Nice passive, simple objective based gameplay experience easy to figure out.
- Vehicle is too slow to evade cops in or cause too much trouble.

What negatives could this have?:
- Limited time thing. Albeit the code could probably be recycled into another job during the non Xmas period, or kept for @Hayden’s weather suggestion.
- Job Hogging
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A drag effect on vehicles is possible with them so no collide would work. I forget what it was but a friend showed me it when we were doing mapping.
Yeah I’ve seen maps with it before, it works pretty well.

make them collided and yes
then it would just be a car tiering object on the highway which is something we wish to avoid.
Incredibly good suggestion mate, if this happens im becoming roadcrew.
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