Your chance to manage ParalakeNews

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Birmingham, United Kingdom

I havent ran ParalakeNews in a while, but I still believe it has a ton of missed out potential because of my laziness and unwillingess to write articles.

Please PM me on the forums if youre interested at all, you would be managing the website and discord and would get a role to go along with it that would give you the equivalant permissions as if you were the owner (which will still be me as I own the domain, hosting etc, which I will continue to pay for).

Your role would include managing Journalists, writing articles, advertising written articles, Small administrative tasks and even website monetisation if you wish to put advertising on the website to pay Journalists.

There was a previous deal with SA where each article would be reviewed and rewarded an amount upto 75K, while that deal was a while ago I suspect they will still honour it or be willing for renogotiation if anyone is trying to restart this with the same monetary system.

On the website, you would have the ability to promote and demote Journalists, aswell as manage posts and being oncharge of reviewing them before they go live.

Seems like something the Community Manager should manage! Tyla loves typing out stuff so I think he would be very interested!

I think it would also be a good role for anyone else trying to prove they can manage stuff within the community!
Im split between wanting it to be run by a staff members (more likely to work harder and be passionate about community) and a community members (no staff bias)
bruh ill run it 50k a article and ill actually put effort into it for real
bruh the agreed rate litterly says 75k a article so this is below the price
Sir, please refrain from slandering me, as I have all of my money legally!
@Auris or learn how to read and you see "upto" showing not all articles will receive 75k as it depends probably on like quality and content rather than pushing out random articles to fill the websites
a completely in character news website would work better otherwise it’ll just be a fanboy blog. In terms of in character news, I fail to see how “staff bias” would ruin anything?
If my RP event stuff ever gets looked into or finally ran I'd love to run this, would be great having articles based around RP events
Once fully active again, you will most likely be reached out to by journalists if youre running events, however if youre not approach us and were more than happy to give publicity to the event
@CensoredExe that should change because anything not relating to in game events and occurrences that matters would be announced surely. Having the news website as a community news events to document the majority of events that occur within the community could lead to issues, such as misinformation about community members being shared and puts the owner of the website hosting it (for now you) under liability for any slander or misinformation that occurs
@Benj This is exactly why I want it community run lol

Noone wants to read about a fire in game, or a raid or some dumb shit, which was what the old original paralakenews was, which is why it died. People actually read this one because it had topics that they wanted to read about, such as PLPD V2 first look, Promotions and day-day things that affect the average player. Alot of topics covered would be things involving the staff team and the PLPD because people are interested and they want to know whats going on, and not always from SA's POV aswell.

I highyl doubt ill be sued for slander, but its wouldnt be the first legal trouble ive been in from PERP lol
@CensoredExe never said a dicky about you being CRIMINALLY liable, I was referring to rule 1.3. Hosting content which is slandering another user would be a violation of the rule.
@CensoredExe any examples of how the content would look like then? how would you make meaningful rich material with OOC/staff things? I get you can update people on PLPD blueduck updates, but what about other things?