Your end game choices

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Please note that this thread contains spoilers from different games - Please spoiler responsibly with the [SPOILER="Name of the game goes here"][/SPOILER] function and share your end choices also possibly adding a bit of an opinion to it. Failure to do so will result in removal and not so happy people.

Thought it would be interesting to see what kind of end game choices the community has chosen in their game playtroughs that have this sort of thing, I'm giving a bit of an opinion at the end but you don't have to, feel free to do the same though as it's appreciated. Please stick to the note above to avoid spoiling the story for people that do not know the game. If you're curious then just go ahead and read it anyways.

Side with Sabal and kill Amita, kill Pagan Min in the end
I've sided with Sabal just for the simple reason of not turning Kyrat into a drug filled state, don't really think Amita would turn that Opium drug field into medicine so ayylmao. Killing PaganMin in the end was a bit of a bummer for me when I looked up the other end which is when you sit down with him, talk and accept his food offering (shit could've been poisonous yo). Even though he's a dictator and is responsible for everything in Kyrat in the first place he is still nice enough to let you do your thing you were supposed to do: Put down your mothers ashes. He leaves you in the end though with no harm done so idk, I kinda regret choosing the other end.
The end isn't really influencable as you kill the main antagonist regardless (or kills himself if you don't do it) but I decided to give no areas to Burke. He's a drunk Irish man that doesn't know any better and just dicks around. Really had no benefits either for me (really useless benefits tbh) but once you go and kill him it did make me feel bad and the feels came. Look up a video on YouTube if you wish.
Save Zulf, iniate the recovery function of the Bastion
A lot of you probably don't know this game but TL;DR is=Your world has been fucked up by the calamity, people are ashes/stone and the world is literally falling apart. Only 4 people (you, Ruck, Zia, Zulf) find each other in the Bastion, a safe spot everyone agreed to go to if things would go wrong. Later on when you almost rebuild the Bastion Zulf betrays you, raids the Bastion and you fuck his place up only to find him to be betrayed by his own men (He has his reasons, play the game to understand). You will have the choice to save him or just to dip it and leave him to die. I haven't really seen any impact on the end if you do choose to save him but I did it regardless. The second part is where you can choose to activate the recovery function of the Bastion, returning the world like it was before the Calamity where everyone forgets what happened after the Calamity, basically like a back-up function if shit goes wrong. Or activate the evacuation function which destroys the recovery function but the whole Bastion becomes a movable platform and it kinda ends there with what the 4 remaining people of the Bastion will do or will meet if there are any other survivors out there with the Bastion being able to move and float away freely.
They do mention something about the recovery function. What happens if the Calamity returns? There is nothing to prevent it from happening again which would basically put you into an infinite loop of rebuilding the Bastion and recovering everything until you decide to evacuate.
In the Enhanced Edition of the game you have two choices once you meet 'The Mother': Proceed to a nuclear bomb to save everyone or to refuse the first option and to fight her back. I've chosen to fight and it's basically: You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain as you literally become infected and turn into a night hunter if you decide to fight 'The Mother' in hopes to find Anticin for everyone back at the tower. Or blow yourself up including 'The Mother' and everything around as there is no hope for Anticin anyways. Both choices were a bummer really and think they could've come up with something better. Still a pretty fun game with 40 hours of playtime for me.
Yes, this too, screw you Rami. I recommend checking the game out for yourself if you haven't, it's really good but basically once you're at the tower you have two choices: Return the sun (Lightbulb) and stay with everyone else in this simulated world (Which is explained in the second/Solstice run by the way) or smash the sun (Lightbulb) to return Niko to his home(world?) which as a result kills the world Niko woke up in but gets to return to his home(world?). It was a hard choice for me but I decided to return the sun. You do get to return Niko home in the most recent update which is the Solstice update which is a mind fuck in itself and kills the theme of literally having "OneShot" as you go trough a second run of the game which is different from the first. Still, 10/10, love it, best game. If you're emotionally unstable don't bother with the game.
Don't give a time piece to mustache girl
Seriously, she can fuck off with her justice shit. It's like giving a murderer back a gun, no thanks. Nothing changes when you do decide to give her a timepiece which is kind of a bummer and a useless end choice but still, really great game.
Put Ren and Nona together, accepted Jonas as my new step brother, made Clarissa hate me. Still not trough the second timeline run but we'll see.
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Chose C, kept all 3 protagonists alive.
Had a nice dinner with the guy and swiftly had the ending credits
Reactivated the generators, got on the train, then escaped the facility and ended in the city getting nuked to shit. Also somehow got Junior killed, no idea how you trigger that but it didn't happen my first playthrough.
Choose a low chaos ending and not kill anyone. This will give you the upper hand in the last level and also through-out the game because the lower your chaos the lower the guards but the higher your chaos the higher the guards. In the last level Samuel ( Boat driver ) brings you to the final stand, if you were low chaos than you would continue on your merry way to go kill the admiral but if you had high chaos than Samuel would say " I've seen what you have done, Im doing this so they know your coming and shoots a pistol right at them.

To be honest, why the fuck did Eleven have to die? I feel like since she was basically from the Upside Down she would be able to close the rift without any problem and without it draining her soul.