I tried my very best with zeus to help improve his behaviour after countless admin sits and reports regarding the stuff he says towards other players that weren’t taken lightly and for sure, incredibly horrible stuff to say.
Don’t expect people to not be upset when very personal shit is brought up in their lives when they’re trying to have fun and feel like they’re in a safe space on a video game rather to be upset over someone bringing up some horrible things especially when it’s coming from the same person numerous times it will feel personal at some point and it really did affect someone which is why we had to take action after zeus had once again continued his toxic behaviour after his final warning from the MANY chances given, enough is enough.
There is a reason why some may be hesitant to lift his ban especially given their past and previous punishments for doing the exact same thing (including a permanent ban which was lifted fairly quick), sure pull the “it’s just a game, gmod community” blah blah card all you want, you may be able to not take shit to heart whereas others do and you cannot just expect someone to just not listen and to get over it because everyone is different on how they take mean things said at the end of the day, and it could really end up badly if the wrong things are said.
I do want to see you back zeus, please don’t get me wrong as you actually seem to fully understand the level of how serious some of the comments you had made are but others do need to see why this has become such a problem rather than shrug it off like it is nothing. I do want to say that you aren’t literally forced to go bumlick everyone and say how good of a staff member they are etc, however if you feel obliged to do that then you are more than free to do so. I’ve been impressed myself that you’ve accepted your wrongdoings and have shown a change in behaviour so honestly keep it up and don’t let yourself down, people still want to see you about.
I typed all of this from a phone so apologies for any awful grammar or wording, I hope my point comes across clear.