@Zeus Recommendation

First of all, thank you, Jamie, thank you very much, and secondly, a communication ban would not be cool and I could still write and I would like to talk to the officer, for example, if I am stopped, just for example.
Sure I (we) had my share of problems with zeus but I'm not going to hate him for the rest of my life, that thread has seen some fucked up shit bashing on a 16 year old who has trouble with the language we're speaking while trying to get his record set straight with everyone. Pick someone of your own size and show some respect for people trying to change, especially those younger than you. I hope to god that they won't have kids with how they're treating someone at this age.

Ted Talk over.
Personally never really had a bad experience with you. Haters gonna hate. I'm sure that If you were allowed to come back that you would change your attitude towards others. 3up
The reason that I banned @zeus. for such a long time was plainly because I, and many others, had completely had it to the bone with his toxic and insensitive behaviour. Prior to this ban, he had not been given a significant punishment for his actions that he was then forced to serve, and was previously able to slip past his permanent ban by just saying sorry. 1 year is an incredibly long time, but being barred from a server you love with no chance of coming back for such a long time, with your current behaviour, is surely enough to provoke a desire to change this behaviour. This has clearly happened. Whether zeus has actually, properly changed or not we are still yet to see, but his recent conduct says to all of us that he’s at least trying in the only way he knows. I don’t think he should be unbanned and allowed to prove himself in-game yet, because history will have then repeated itself and he will have slipped past a serious punishment by just changing his attitude for a week. Come a few months, however, and he is still showing improvement, I see no reason why he shouldn’t be unbanned and allowed to express his changes through his actions. I did say in the last post that I don’t think he should ever be unbanned from this 1-year, but with a bit of optimism in the mix; I’d say he deserves one last chance when the time is right. It’s only a game after all.

@zeus. - This does not mean say lovely things on peoples profiles for the next 2-3 months (unless you want to), but just stay active and keep giving positive/constructive input where possible. In your situation, time is the only way to tell how much you care and patience is the only thing that’s important right now. Good luck, once again.
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@zeus. A com's ban means you would just be black listed from ooc and looc. This would kind of stop you outbreaking into these platforms if that makes sense. Even if you tried to talk in ooc out of rage it would stop it before it gets out of hand ETC.
@Jack Bushross I don’t think a comm ban would really be suitable for him at all. Almost all of his poor conduct was through in-character. When the time is right and he’s allowed back, it shouldn’t in in shackles - it should be unchained and able to show his true colours. No safety measure is really needed. If he’s toxic, he’s gone and not coming back.
@flugs As you said 1 year is a very long time and really hard I know that I was a big problem for the staff team / the community but that has changed and what makes me happy is that the other people I also insulted very strongly Have noticed and accepted my apology, I can be patient, honestly, now some of you know that I just ask one thing that you just give me one last chance I just want to show you that I've changed, most of them have already noticed because I was the last Was so active for 5 days and posted / liked things I'm really happy that's the only thing I can do at the moment, so I only apologized after 3 months and made up my mind to write an apology because my ban was from it was actually 3 months in those 3 months i thought so much about my behavior and i was also better in school i improved my grades rt and have changed, I just give the staff team / admins one last chance, I will prove to you ingame that I mean business and have changed. I will write a ban appeal in the next few days and hope that I just get one last chance But thank you again for your feedback, I'm also happy that you noticed it yourself.
@flugs By you saying "when the time is right" isn't the issue. The issue people are seeing is that people are and will continue to refuse to give him a chance. Yes you can say hes been given chances. But did he take himself away last time for multiple months, Come back and show a well and improved attitude on the forums. Every move hes currently making is showing massive change with his attitude. A ooc and looc ban will just help him from causing things again even more now than ever considering the massive changes with 1.2
Honestly mate, my forgiveness doesn’t really mean naff. I only stepped in on the situation because enough was enough. If you appeal your ban and it gets accepted, all I can do is smile. I don’t really mind if you’re unbanned because honestly, if you come back and you’re toxic you’ll just be removed again. That doesn’t mean to say I think you should be unbanned though. This being said, I don’t recommend appealing so soon and I doubt your chances of being unbanned. Good luck on that either way though!

Also, good to hear about your grades ;) Mine have also improved recently.
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@Jack Bushross I’m not at all saying he hasn’t changed or not tried to prove that he has. See my post below! I just think that as it currently stands, he probably won’t be unbanned yet. So when the time comes that Administration are confident that he has changed his ways and is ready to return, he shouldn’t need to have OOC bans in place to prevent toxicity. It’s a nice idea either way, but if he’s blessed with a chance to come back then he should have the full PERP experience!
look @Niko he even started using punctuation as you told him which is a nice neat detail meaning he took your comment to heart!
I tried my very best with zeus to help improve his behaviour after countless admin sits and reports regarding the stuff he says towards other players that weren’t taken lightly and for sure, incredibly horrible stuff to say.

Don’t expect people to not be upset when very personal shit is brought up in their lives when they’re trying to have fun and feel like they’re in a safe space on a video game rather to be upset over someone bringing up some horrible things especially when it’s coming from the same person numerous times it will feel personal at some point and it really did affect someone which is why we had to take action after zeus had once again continued his toxic behaviour after his final warning from the MANY chances given, enough is enough.

There is a reason why some may be hesitant to lift his ban especially given their past and previous punishments for doing the exact same thing (including a permanent ban which was lifted fairly quick), sure pull the “it’s just a game, gmod community” blah blah card all you want, you may be able to not take shit to heart whereas others do and you cannot just expect someone to just not listen and to get over it because everyone is different on how they take mean things said at the end of the day, and it could really end up badly if the wrong things are said.

I do want to see you back zeus, please don’t get me wrong as you actually seem to fully understand the level of how serious some of the comments you had made are but others do need to see why this has become such a problem rather than shrug it off like it is nothing. I do want to say that you aren’t literally forced to go bumlick everyone and say how good of a staff member they are etc, however if you feel obliged to do that then you are more than free to do so. I’ve been impressed myself that you’ve accepted your wrongdoings and have shown a change in behaviour so honestly keep it up and don’t let yourself down, people still want to see you about.

I typed all of this from a phone so apologies for any awful grammar or wording, I hope my point comes across clear.
hi clarky first of all thank you for all the kind words I take them to heart thank you very much secondly I'm very happy that you also write something back and leave a comment there the perma ban of blackdown which was lifted after 1 month I told him that I will travel together and no longer toxic I have also managed 3- 4 or 5 months it all started when I was mobbed on the server by some players whose names I don't want to mention because I reached my car only with the forest growing at that time first I didn't care then memes were created on the forum and led to that the players who mobbed me were looking for my drugs in the forest every day all the time and when they found my drugs more often I was there once and there they were with 5 men in front of my drugs and waited for me so they could steal from me again. they can steal from me again at that point it was enough for me I got angry more angry every day because they have bullied me and then I remembered these bad insults after a few times where I said that I thought it was not until I have addressed staff member member I thought that nothing would happen to me but now I have a 1 year ban I just want to say that the players have bullied me so blatant that I became depressed and completely upset at every little thing and have them from A- Z Z insulted them to get rid of my frustration at some point it stopped with the mobbing thanks to @blackdown because he talked to them thanks for that so I got used to this way I repeated it several times whether you believe me or not I thought every time I said such things I thought in my head "omg did I just said that I just said that I am the person who says that" but it went on and on until I finally after my last warning @Pugga badly insulted for it I apologized and he accepted it after I insulted him I disconnected immediately and then @flugs wrote to me and writes me that I would be ridiculous and. he let me ban but I who was still angry wrote him "do but I do not care" then I was banned for 3 months by him and then he extended it to 1 year and that opened my eyes after 1 week without PerpHeads that I have to become the old nice atilla again and I did I reported after 3 months because my ban was actually 3 months long I just wanted to say herewith why I did all this thank you @Clarky for your kind words in love zeus. I also typed everything on mobile sorry for mistakes.