Zoom on phone map
Short explanation:
Be able to zoom in or out while using the map app on the phone
Detailed description:
This suggestion might looks similar to Display road names and navigatio on phone map since both are about the map on the phone, but I'm making another suggestion because of this:
Optional additions:
Zoom on phone map
Short explanation:
Be able to zoom in or out while using the map app on the phone
Detailed description:
This suggestion might looks similar to Display road names and navigatio on phone map since both are about the map on the phone, but I'm making another suggestion because of this:
It's useless the map on the phone as it's now: it's too much zoomed in you can only see maybe 20 meters further than you, it would be much better if you could zoom out, it would also help all those players who asks for the Map op Paralake City on the serverLike the idea but i don't think anyone would use the map from the phone because its too zoomed in.
Optional additions:
- You could zoom in/out using the mouse wheel
- You could zoom in/out using '[' ']' (like in Planet Side 2)