Worst nightmare?

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So my favourite music thread just got deleted as I didn't know someone already made a post about it, anyway I did some research and no one asked, what is your worst nightmare?

By worst nightmare I don't mean what is the worst nightmare you've ever had, I mean what would you never what to happen, well you get it, in them terms.

My worst nightmare, this may sound stupid, is to get sleep paralysis. I've heard from everyone who has had it, it's extremely horrible and most people in my family has had it ;(

Sleep paralysis is when you are a sleep and you can open your eyes and look around, but all the muscles in your body you can't move and sometimes you can have hallucinations like shadows or you can hear things like footsteps. There is nothing paranormal about it, it's just something in your brain that causes it, not an expert on it.
I had a dream that my 1st year science teacher broke into my room at night and fucked me with a strapon.

i also had a dream that i was the economic reformist of somalia
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I was naked at school and I couldn't move, I just sat there completely naked.
And I've also dreamt that I was sitting tied up to a chair and watching the world go under in front of my face.

And I also had a dream that I forgot to delete the porn history and my mom saw it... oh wait, that wasn't a dream...
I've experienced sleep paralysis and it was truly horrifying... However, that's not my "worst nightmare".

Here is an educational video that might help you somehow:

@Daragh (PFP)
i was standing at the roof of my house and then a huge hornet carried me to the highest place of my city then dropped me from there and then when i hit the ground and i woke up crying and that day i slept with my parents
I was having a nightmare where my whole family died, I quickly woke up, but I didn't. I was dreaming that I woke up from that dream, which turned out to be the same. It was painful until I actually woke up.
I used to have nightmares as a kid of the corn flakes cock staring at me through the window and trying to chase me:

My worst nightmare was when some weird kid, who was sitting right in front of me ate my chicken-wings, and I had to watch him eating them. Something inside told me, they were mine. You may say it is not a horrible nightmare, but hold on, here it comes.
They weren't decent chicken-wings, those were BBQ chicken-wings for god sake. Some of you might feel my pain in that situation, I know you might say "You could've slapped him off your chicken-wings", I was tied tho, tied onto that god damn chair, watching that kid eating all my shit. I get goose bumps when I keep thinking about it.
The last nightmare I had was me being a ghostbuster and getting jumspcared by a cheeky dirtbag ghost. I don't get many dreams. Also, everyone misinterpreted the point of this thread, laugh out loud.
Forgot to feed my children and they all died so I had to get some more.
I have this condition called exploding head syndrome and every so often when I sleep, I am suddenly awaken by a loud noise. Generally it sounds electronic or it's an explosion and it's usually involved in my dreams. It's alarming at first, but then I go back to sleep after.

Also when I was younger, I would have nightmares of fire extinguishers chasing me or other scenarios.

When I worked at PC World, I would had repetitive dreams of working there doing the same task that involved finding a customers non-existing laptop.
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I've never had nightmares but my LSD trip was pretty good. I watched videos of deer in the wild while also watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas while listening to a mix I made of The Beach Boys, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, and The Beatles. I fell out of my bed and felt I was sailing the ocean when I was really just scooting my ass across the carpet. My walls were fighting eachother and my ceiling fan broke up the fight, thankfully. I looked at my ceiling and patterns started to form words that I couldn't decipher, but I was in a good mood so I just assumed they said nice things.
Had a dream where I was on GMod and was playing some sort of scary gamemode, where jumpscares happen and I was actually in the game, so then I try to leave by pressing ESC and disconnect, but somehow doesn't work. So, they just haunt me then I woke up. Oh and a dream was that somehow I was at school with my pajamas, normal innit

10/10 dream would piss my pants