To all the developers...

Reaction score
I would like to recommend/thank all of the developers for making this community/server something really outstanding and amazing.

The work that they have done with the new update and the weapon attachments is truly outstanding. The new legacy server is also truly a blast from the past.

I think I'm speaking for everyone when I'm saying: We really appreciate the work that @Xquality @Fredy @StephenPuffs have out into this. We know that you've worked super hard for a long time to make this.

Thank you.
I have to agree, I've been on PERP since the start and there is so much that's changed, I just remember the first day when we switched from Evo to Paralake, it was just so new and so good, looking at the development stream XQ did back then was amazing, I just don't feel you guys understand what it was back then, everything was so... different even though you can play it it's not the same lel
They have done an amazing job. Although, some guns need a bit of a tweak in my opinion i think they have done some excellent gun models and i love the new attachment, however i do think the recoil is a bit over the top, but can easily be ignored when pop shotting.