AR for 3.18

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Manchester, England
Your Steam/In-game Name: Adikid*TRADING*/Adrish Malik
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Lee / Lee Baca
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:90115345
Why Should This Player Be Punished: He broke 3.18 and 3.4 by putting his gun in storage whilst under gun point. Basically, he started shooting in the air and I decided to put him under citizens arrest, I pulled out my pistol and gped him, he saw me and threw his gun into storage.
Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: N/A
Where is the audio? Where is the part where your friend shoots the shotgun in the air? Why did you kill me when we were trying to de-escalate the situation? Ah, that's right, your withholding information to make it seem like I'm in the wrong.

Will post my demo of the situation when I get home; I'm currently at school. I would also like to see your demo because I want the audio of what I said heard.
Lee, its a gif. There is no audio. My friend shot a shotgun in the air? He is my friend, why should I act against him? You stored your weapon when I was gun pointing you and telling you to get on the ground, so I shot you. Im not withholding any information. You're the on that broke the rules, so deal with it.
Also, why are your gifs cut into two separate ordeals? Please provide the uncut, unedited demo so that everyone can hear first hand what went on. Why didn't you call the police? I think you killed me just because you wanted my gun; you didn't say a word when you had your weapon out. I could have easily killed you, but I chose not to because you didn't say anything to me, and I didn't believe you were a threat because everyone else there had a gun out and was screwing around.

Again, I will post my demo when I get home from school.

I also believe @Chase was there as well, if he could post his demo of what went on that would be great as well.
Go ahead and post your demo, I uploaded the important parts, you got caught out breaking rules. Stop trying to turn this on me.
I'll upload my demo. I won't "upload the important parts" I'll upload the entire demo uncut. Give me 10 hours as I am currently at work and got class after work. This was an obvious mugging in front of the npc. The fact that another player fired their weapon and you did nothing but happen to decide to "place lee baca under citizens arrest". Explain this. Why were you placing him under citizens arrest when there was obviously a worse threat right in front of you? Lee baca wasn't even the first player to shoot. The citizen with a shotgun shot first and you did nothing. You're twisting the rules around in your favor so you can use a sorry excuse "placing him under citizens arrest" when really you're mugging him. It's obvious. Expect an AR on you for mugging both of us. Not only did you mug him you threatened me. Why? There are multiple people with firearms but you so happen to point your gun at lee baca and me.
I was across the street during the situation. Will post my demo when I get home. I don't understand why you decide to mug him in front of the NPC, which is highly against the rules. Multiple people were shooting and you decided to place him under arrest? Why didn't you call 911, and you put your life at risk because there were a lot of people with guns shooting.
Looks like mugging to me. No one said you're being arrested. Adrish clearly said "Drop the gun" really good apprehension! Pull a gun out on a man with an assault rifle in his hand fully loaded. You can also see someone clearly assaulting Lee at 2:47 ( why was this? ) "put the gun down dickhead" " put the gun down" NO WORDS OF "You're being arrested" "You're under citizens arrest". I like also as soon as Lee puts his firearm away Adrish shoots him (where's the threat?) Taking "rule breaking" into your own hands? I want to see Adrish's full demo of this whole scenario. Before and 1 minute after if needed.

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Chase, Honestly. I don't know why you're trying to escalate this and LIE to people.
NO WORDS OF "You're being arrested" "You're under citizens arrest"
If you listened closely to your OWN video, you would hear that at 3:36 I said "This is a citizens arrest".
I like also as soon as Lee puts his firearm away Adrish shoots him
I shot him because I was telling him to get down, drop the gun. Not walk to storage and put it away. Before you quote what I said in OOC which was : "You can't shoot someone for not complying". I didn't fully understand the situation and only replied with little thinking. Yes, I was wrong.

Anyway, at the end of the day, Lee broke rules and you are just trying to twist this in some way to catch me out. I don't appreciate being targeted by you and your friends. So, if you can go away and stop being a minge. That would be great.
Chase, Honestly. I don't know why you're trying to escalate this and LIE to people.

If you listened closely to your OWN video, you would hear that at 3:36 I said "This is a citizens arrest".

I shot him because I was telling him to get down, drop the gun. Not walk to storage and put it away. Before you quote what I said in OOC which was : "You can't shoot someone for not complying". I didn't fully understand the situation and only replied with little thinking. Yes, I was wrong.

Anyway, at the end of the day, Lee broke rules and you are just trying to twist this in some way to catch me out. I don't appreciate being targeted by you and your friends. So, if you can go away and stop being a minge. That would be great.
I can't even make out what's being said there. There's literally 3 people talking. By the time you shot him he's already talking to storage lady. Anyone could see you and your friends pulling out guns to make him drop him gun. Not only that as I'm talking to storage lady I retrieve a weapon to storage, without even pulling it up or having time to put it away/walk away from a situation I'm obviously not involved in you come running towards me in the video and pointing a gun at me yelling '' drop the gun, drop the gun ''. Why did you pull a gun on me when I only went to storage to go retrieve weapons for the car? Why haven't you uploaded your complete demo?
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