Ar on the blood thirsty tdm player

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Bunny <3 / Johnny Weissmuller
His/Her Steam/In-game Name & His/Her SteamID:
Why Should This Player Be Punished: User killed me with the intent of getting my weapon.
Evidence (Demo Required): (wil try to upload it to youtube later on the day)
Tick: last 300 UPDATE

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I'm directly involved in this situation as I was with Suzanne at the time. You gunpointed me which is a direct threat to me all because I was stood at the door hence why you got shot. It wasn't for the gun, it was because you proposed a direct and clear threat of harm with a deadly weapon by pointing it in ATTACK stance rather than passive stance. To sum it up, it would of been an entirely different situation if you just pulled out your gun, in passive stance, rather than pointing it in my face and making me follow your orders.
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@Nade Alardin as u can hear in the demo, u treatn my life for calling the police, later u blocked of the door and i am forced to gp u in order to run outside where i am gunned down.
I had no intention to warm you, i was only trying to get to safety.
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@Nade Alardin as u can hear in the demo, u treatn my life for calling the police, later u blocked of the door and i am forced to gp u in order to run outside where i am gunned down.
I was no threat to you.

Sorry but I can't quite agree here that you weren't a threat to my life considering you shove a HK USP in my face and commanded me to move and open the door.
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