Discussion link:
Main idea:
Make it useful to follow people on www.perpheads.com
So right now when I decided to follow some one on perpheads.com it is useless. You will not receive any popups when someone you follow is posting something.
So my idea is: When people you follow post a new thread you will receive an alert.
Note: This will not happen when they place a reaction to to prevent spamming.
By doing this you will be up to date when people you find important enough to follow place a massage. So you don't have to check their profiles any more to check or they placed something new.
Why it should be added:
For example: You find @ShadowJoey a great guy thats posting smart things. You just press the follow button and every time he posts a massage. You will recive an alert. (maybe not the best example <3)
-Easier to vieuw messages from people you follow.
-Makes to follow button useful
Thanks for reading.

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