Resignation and goodbye

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Puffer mart will be glad to know that I hereby resign from the Paralake police department, chief of departments both know. I will be leaving the server completely but may possibly stick around on the forums (not decided yet)

probably an unpopular opinion, but weren,t you already warned for a similar incident involving your video breaking rules? i always found it unfair tbh, how mingy it became. why didnt you think twice when posting videos which are generally breaking half of the rules.

regardless, you were a funny and contributing member to the community and it's sad to see you leave this way, especially with an (opinion) way to long ban.

good luck with whatever you're gonna do
I don't know the full details of the incidents leading up to this, but I get a fair gist. I'm not gonna ramble on about anything, and I know what I'm gonna say is going to annoy a fair few but...

You were very good as a captain, albeit not in game as demonstrated recently, although I've had many a good time role-playing with you in game. Just the other day, you and @SpaceShots had the speedbump set up in Business, although not quite the success it could've been, it's that roleplay aspect I've loved and enjoyed within the community, and sadly since coming back I've seen it is somewhat lacking.

Shame to see you go, Tyla. Hope you stay in touch. Thanks for the work you've done in the PD to keep us all running smoothly.
It's a shame to see such a high valued member of this community leave, you've dedicated an incredible amount of time to the perpheads community both back when you were a moderator and in your role as police captain. I'm glad to say that it has been a pleasure serving under you. I do hope that you will come back again.
Stay safe and I hope you achieve what you want in life.
Best of luck
Forget about PERP like I did and play Assassin's Creed RP all day.
(If you think I'm joking ,sadly not...)
just because I'm getting lots of questions about the reasons why I am leaving. the ban was utter bullshit, even if there were 10 staff members reviewing it. I had no chance to justify my actions after receiving a response to the dispute, i was simply told by @Chris to make a complaint on all 10 staff that dealt with it.

I particularly feel disappointed in the staff team, I have not had a ban for about 4 years and my last warning was in 2015, yet my ban was made 6 months which ultimately would have costed my PLPD career and was issued because of content that I not only enjoy making but also do a s it gets the community new members, the amount of shit I've done for the community, particularly related to PLpD's development makes me sick with the decision that @Youseff made along with the other 9 staff.

hope this clears anything up
At least you didn't get banned for making references to chicken nuggets :(

This means you won't be around for my annexation of the server once NUF take power and pass a few essential laws :(

Rip, who else will harry make shitpost orgs with
Damn. Tyla. I knew you early 2016. Didn't talk much, but started to have a few conversations now and then. After some time we would always be in contact no matter what.

When I applied for Senior Officer back in middle of 2016, I managed to get Tyla to do my stage 3 for me, I passed and I could never be so thankful. Everytime we went officer I would mainly patrol with him as we were great friends and showed me different scenarios and experience. I've made it to LT after a lot of hard work, because of Tyla. He has done a serious amount of work for PLPD and I give him credit for that.

When I wasn't staff back then, and Tyla was, he was my 'First man to go to'. He was pretty chill and was friendly all the time. He was possibly one of my favourite mods back then.

Hopefully we will be in contact man and still have our funny moments, but it's a shame it has come this way.
I'll join the train with you soon enough so you won't be lonely.

Honestly you were active and made good content. Sorry it had to end like this, but at the end of the day you have to remember its just a game.
It's hard to see such a dedicated member go. You've done so incredibly much for the PLPD and I've always looked up to you. An outstanding member and a great captain. Thank you so much for your service. You've helped the PD become what it is today. I wish you luck in your future.

Both PERP and the PLPD has lost a valuable member.
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It is truly such a great shame to see you leaving Tyla. You've given so much to this community and made large contributions towards the PLPD. You've done an amazing job with Support Services and transforming it into what it is today. I do remember back when you were staff, you helped me with an issue that I thought wasn't going to be able to be resolved.

PERP and the PLPD has lost a truly valuable member.
All I can do now is wish you best of luck for the future. Stay in touch my man ;)
90% of my good memories in this short period of time have come when you were involved, my thoughts on your ban are clear but voicing it anymore will likely get me banned. Good luck in the future dude. <3
Tyla no man i watch your videos everytime! please man i joined PH just because i was hopping to play with you, its just a ban that you can appeal for it :(
Tee-Laah, when I first saw the ban I didn't believe my eyes. First you were the best moderator imo, and a great rper. You've done so much for the community, let alone the pd, and it feels to me kinds sad, what we are seeing now is staff becoming robot police who can't make exceptions. The situation you were banned for didn't negatively affect anyone, it was a good laugh, and everyone was happy at the end, and that's how it happens with your rp sits. Apparently, staff didn't take into account that and he fact that a 6mo ban for this is too much.

See you
Tyla and Myro brought me to the community and I can't thank them enough for that. I am truly happy with what you did to the community and without you it wouldn't be the same most likely. You always found ways to have a good time as a police CPT and with your interactive and creative roleplay made even the most boring situation fun.

Thank you for your service Tyla.
You always had a mingy side of yourself and a serious side when needed. However, sometimes we were only able to see your mingy side, for example in your videos (which in the end cost you a ban, I suppose). This was also one of the reasons why you were demoted as staff member. Criticism towards you; you need to remove that mingy side or at least make it not appear as often as right now.

You were always a special kind of person which invented new policing techniques or generally had funny ideas. You invented Blue Light Aware, Road Barrier Aware and were going around houses checking if they are properly secured. Two of the said things were just unnecessary torture. However, against criminals. You may not have made a change in making way for police vehicles, however, you gave us a somewhat inspiration for other ideas.

You'll be missed and you won't be missed.
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