3.13, Mandatory evacuation

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To avoid confusion, please read the actual suggestion before replying, thanks! ;)

Is this a new law or a change to a current law:
This is a new law.

What law do you wish to change/add: 3.13, Mandatory evacuation: In the event that risk of harm to uninvolved civilians becomes to big in a designated area or building, the highest ranking officer has the right to issue a mandatory evacuation in which all persons within the designated area are forced by law to leave their private properties in the interest of public safety. Entering a designated evacuation area is tresspassing.

Why should this change/addition be made: At the moment it is very hard for the Police to make sure that no civilians get injured in the event of e.g. a shootout. It is very often that in the case of the Regals appartments bullets start flying everywhere and that innocent civilians get injured in the crossfire due to them refusing to leave their private property. This law would make it so that LEO's have the right to force a person out of their private property (with reasonable force), and enable emergency responders to ensure everybody's safety.

What is the aim of this change/addition: To ensure the safety of people that are in a dangerous position, but can not be forced to go to a safer location, a lot of times resulting in needless injuries.

Additional Information:
  • In the case that a large area has to be evacuated, it's possible that the mayor's approval is needed.
  • Evacuating a private property does not involve searching it, only removing the obvious left-behind civilians from the premises. (So your drugs in the bathroom are relatively safe unless somebody hides in there and starts shouting at the Police)
Constructive criticism only please, thanks!
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Shitty law which will just give the raid hungry PD more reasons to raid.

Big fat no from here.
Not really giving them a reason to raid though, if the people on the private property just leave voluntarily then there is no reason for the Police to enter it.

It's not like the Police will just be able to call in a evacuation on the Regals and turn it upside down for drugs, a simple knock on the door and asking them to leave will be enough, and if they choose to act like they are not home then it's their own fault if they get killed.
I don't want cops busting down my door because someone is crafting below me. I'd rather take the risk thanks
I don't want cops busting down my door because someone is crafting below me. I'd rather take the risk thanks
Except your door will not be busted down.

The evacuation has to be approved by the highest ranking LEO's.

Cops will have to knock on your door, and will kindly ask you to leave immediately, you have all the right in the world to lock the door behind you. If you refuse to leave, then it becomes a problem, which is already against the law by the way and cops can already bust down your door for that.
It would cause more harm to try and evacuate the situation once it has escalated to a point where you need a full scale evactuation.
I personally like this idea and to throw down a few pointers to a few replies I have seen saying "it will make cops more raid hungry" as @Riekelt stated here;

Evacuating a private property does not involve searching it, only removing the obvious left-behind civilians from the premises. (So your drugs in the bathroom are relatively safe unless somebody hides in there and starts shouting at the Police)

I think what people are saying is "if I dont want to go id rather risk my life and kill cops if they enter to remove me by force" than think of it "No charges other than a fine at maximum will be brought against me"

The point of this is to have the power of removal of citizens from an area, we can already do so but this has a clear guidelines law on what will be done i.e. 1st yell around building for everyone to leave 2nd no response - leave that property alone 2.1 - refuse to leave 3. entry of property to remove you from the area of endangerment.

People are mistaking this as a "we come in and search all rooms" which it wouldn't be, only unlocked doors that are OPEN will more than likely be checked as if a door is locked it would be "safe" to assume that room is empty

failure of that i.e. someone refuses to leave and starts screaming "i dont want to leave" and then is hiding in their room of drugs then thats when the breach happens and we find shit TL:DR use common sense and then police wont enter, if they do they search main living area only (unless there are doors open in the building that are not locked)

A punishment for this can either A. Come under Failure to co-operate or B. have its own punishment of "infraction - $1,000 Fine"
This would never work because Perp players would rather burn to death than lose 4 drug plants.
This would never work because Perp players would rather burn to death than lose 4 drug plants.
altough, during big ass fires in regals you better exit that appartment before i bust down that door, because inhaling CO and melting plastic is lyf ofcourse

totally support this, it needs to be an actual law to prevent salty powergrowers
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