Husky's Goodbye Post.

Reaction score
United Kingdom, Devon
As aware I recently received a permanent ban from the server for 2.4, something I'm not proud of but it happened. I'm going to keep this short and I hope to remain active on the forums until I feel ready to appeal. I could easily snake out multiple other people for the exact same thing but I'm not that type of person, to the people that got me banned (which I'm well aware of who it was) I know exactly why you did it and what you wanted to happen, congratulations. I'd like to apologize in this post to @Fredy @Xquality for costing their server money of which I had no intention of doing at any stage.

@Nade Alardin & @Mario Cheers for the chance in Olsen shame it had to be cut short.
@Feng Yamaguchi Cheers for the music no one understood a word to but sounded fire asf.
@Jay Mainly introduced me to the server and taught me the basics. Thanks.
@Spookius Maxsimus - literally brought me here, thanks for being pissed up doing meth with me ;)
@huexd - good times powergrowing. -.-
@Jericho Love the bombs and nades bby <3
@thehomelessdude - I'll get your rifle ammo to you one day... maybe... nah probs not.
@McYeke - good luck going for enforcer bud. :)
@Mage My fav staff member... dont tell the rest ;)
@Staff team I'm sorry for what I did and for what I have made this situation out to be.
@Adrish I still need you close to me for them trades, sorry you couldn't be the one to ban me. L8r Adikid *TRADING*

Too many people to thank for my short & sweet time on Perpheads. Thanks everyone and I'm sorry for ruining your passive RP. Despite having arguments with a few people on the server especially at late nights with people such as @Jijah @Glacial_Subzero I honestly don't dislike anyone on the server and wish you all the best.
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Gonna miss you Husky thanks for letting me base with you a while ago <3 ;(
You were a nice guy, then you bought a porsche and you became a dick, and now you're banned for something that even Moti did. The money got to you man, such a shame...
I'll miss you, didn't know you for very long but we had fun except for when you raided me :(
Bye Husky, sad to see you go this way.

Doesn't seem like it was the only rule you broke though
I could easily snake out multiple other people for the exact same thing but I'm not that type of person

Anyways Husky, Hope to see you on forums cus you were a really nice guy.
As the person who led this investigation, I am glad that you came clean, it was the honourable thing to do.

I wish you the best of luck in however you wish to proceed from this. You were one of the better members of the community.
Husky, me and you had our ups and downs together. But throughout that time you showed me you were a really nice guy and a enjoyable person to be around. I am sad to see you go out like this. Good luck with whatever the future brings you.
Best of luck with however you proceed in life, however, I don't understand why you wouldn't just sell VIP to gain in-game cash for your IRL funds, as it's much less risky and the reward is similar.

Either way, you were a nice person and I wish you the best in life.
Good luck with what ever u do man hit me up if u wanna play pubg or something , atleast now u got time to practice your aim <3
I hung around with you for a bit and you were a genuine, nice guy and it's sad to see you go. Best of luck in the future mate.

Even know you deleted me off of steam :(
Sad to see you leave husky, not known you for long but it's been fun for the time i've known you for
It's Jamal Btw
When it comes to the point when you are paying lots of money for ig money, i think it's time to stop anyway.
Either way, we weren't the best of friends lol but you seemed a cool person sad to see you go but when you do things like this you have to be punished. bye bye