Captain Wylde's top 8 best weapons for defending!

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Are you tired of being raided by Zerging Israeli kids? Then git gud, kiddo!

From Personal experience as the worst shooter on the server for a whole year, Here's a list of weapons I've successfully defended using, because if I can hit someone with it, anyone can!

8: Double Barrel

Literally a rooty tooty point and shooty, These things are a cheap, more than decent defending weapon! On its own its a terrifying slice of southern fried homicide, but in numbers, It truly is a force to be reckoned with. Plus, If you lose, you won't be burdened heavily.

7: Machete
In skilled hands this is a weapon to surpass metal gear. Hide in a confined space and if you don't get prefired, not even TFU Officers can withstand a deadly left-right click combo to the face!

6: OTS-33

This is more for the pistol marksmanship pro's, but in raids in small, confined spaces, its a nightmare to deal with due to its spray and pray, fuck off rate of fire.

5: Mac 11

Almost nothings worse than being stuck in an apartment with a disgruntled homeowner wielding this Bite-Sized blaster! It's insane rate of fire can fire off a whole mag in the blink of an eye.

4: MP5-10

The bastard child of the MP5A4, This thing is often the last thing you hear during raids for a good reason. It's versatility makes it a good all rounder firearm. If theirs a job this thing can't do, Then whip out the M82's.

3: AK 101

It's more or less a vodka-fuelled russian M4 with less recoil, and other qualities, it can effectively defend all properties on the server on its own. It is also a highly proficient raiding weapon, so be prepared to fight fire with fire on this one!

2: Remington 870

The undisputed face-fucker of Paralake, used by both Police and criminals to effectively paint walls. Unlike other shotguns, it can effectively defend large properties such as the farm fields and can send a massive "Fuck off" at a fairly decent range.

1: M4A1

You knew this was coming. Need I really say more? It sounds terrifying, it looks terrifying, it genuinely is Terrifying. It has a high rate of fire and doesn't take Chris fucking Kyle to aim the thing. Their's no job an M4 cannot do. Even with the recoil update, with a compensator and decent rifle marksmanship, this rifle is the undisputed king of weapons on PERP.

Please read before commenting:
Keep in mind that this is MY List from MY Personal experience. I tried to make this list broad and open, I could have just listed rifles, But I wanted a varied list. If you disagree, then feel free to comment! Either way, I want you all to post your favourites below!

The baseball bat, SW500, Deagle, the AK47, SPAS 12, Sako and the MP7 are my honorable mentions, But from experience, I feel those are more effective for Offense than Defence.
Never used snipers? The m14 or the SR are great, also the OTS-33 is the worst pistol. Either a deagle or m1911 will do much more.

also can u add this
9. Be TFU with fuck lodes of armour and a piss off tank that can only be destroyed by grenades but you gotta rim for it
never use a double barrel shotguns... imagine 2 raiders raided you and you wasted 2 shots already on 1 of them , how you are supposed to kill the other one ?
never use a double barrel shotguns... imagine 2 raiders raided you and you wasted 2 shots already on 1 of them , how you are supposed to kill the other one ?

you reload you freaking dumbass
you press R
lol u say ur bad at aiming then why isnt something like the Benelli at the top u legit dont have to aim with the thing, just hold a close angle in a base and watch out for nades
excuse me where is the famas i have had one since the gun update and ive not lost it yet probably because i dont shoot anyone
Shotguns are garbage, I despise them. You'll most likely be standing behind a barricade holding a tight angle onto the door, good luck having all your pellets land between that angle you're holding and then have one hit them in the head.

MAC-10 will literally shred someone but that person will probably just be peaking from under the stairway so unless you hit 'em in the head you won't do much since there isn't much to hit.

Machetes are ass if they have a gun and you are more than 5 feet away.

MP5-10 is a decent option too because it's 10mm, so is the UMP-45, 45ACP. Both are around 3-4 shot kills but don't do that much. They're ass against cops because of body armor.

Moral of the story?

Rifles in chambered in 5.56 are better against civilians due to their moderate fire rate and 3-4 shot kill that leaves way more bleeding. Guns on the 7.62 platform surprisingly doesn't do much more damage than 5.56, and is more expensive to manufacture. But, it has good armor penetration against cops and has more of a bleeding effect than 5.56. You choose your poison.
Rifles in chambered in 5.56 are better against civilians due to their moderate fire rate and 3-4 shot kill that leaves way more bleeding. Guns on the 7.62 platform surprisingly doesn't do much more damage than 5.56, and is more expensive to manufacture. But, it has good armor penetration against cops and has more of a bleeding effect than 5.56. You choose your poison.

I've actually found that the 5.56 rifles outmatch the 7.62 ones on this server, More specifically, the Sig 550.
I've actually found that the 5.56 rifles outmatch the 7.62 ones on this server, More specifically, the Sig 550.
Sorry but the SG550 is absolute shit. Pretty sure @SpaceShots and a few others could agree with me on that.
The M16 is a much more viable option and it only costs a little bit more.

This guide is only really appropriate for people that are new to the server. If you want a decent gun to base with use a Beretta, M1911 or a Remington. Those guns are fairly cheap and can get you on your feet.
I'm sorry, but the SG is dog wank. Even with 100 rifle marksmanship you still shoot at the fucking stars. Don't even go near the thing
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