Should the construction booklet be removed/edited?

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With a lot of discussion and talk going on recently about the construction book I thought I'd ask the question and create a poll on the fact that do you think the construction book should be a thing or do you think it should be edited a lot and maybe be there to check what you can build not what you Can't build.

I know a lot of people have wanted to make creative designs but you are not allowed which destroys the a lot of Passive RP as when there was no construction booklet most passive RP stemmed from building. I know a lot of people want to be able to build creative builds but because of the booklet you can't. I believe that some bases were aids and extravagant but some were just fair and gave the defenders a slight advantage but now raiding is pretty much a 50/50 outcome because all you can have in a base is barricades with nothing on them. I feel like the book should be edited so bases with wooden boards are allowed again, metal detectors and some builds should be allowed. I mean whats wrong with a barricade with a wooden fence covering half of it nothing much than cover.

I miss old bases and I feel like they should come back. Not where there was elevated structures with head glitches that people use to shoot down onto the raiders but simple structures such as wooden boards resting against barricades, metal detectors and maybe allow us to use book shelves again because they were used in creative ways and they were defiantly not OP at all.

while suggesting this I do understand that @MrLewis put A LOT of effort into making the booklet and it will be even more to edit it, and if we were to delete it a lot of wasted effort but I just want to say we do appreciate the effort but want the best for the community and fun for the player base.

If anyone has any screenshots of bases which weren't aids but were useful and people didn't mind raiding please post, also if theres any creative builds please post it here because I want the thread to have some pictures/examples of what we want accepted and what people class as aids and what people class as just good defence.

3(B)/3.8 - I think this has come down to staff discretion to much to the point where in regals the other day I couldn't split the room in half with a wooden board because it does not allow the players to go from the front door forward to the back door but in a raid no body goes from front to back door sprinting straight forward but it still "Directed movement". I think this should still be a thing but not to such an extent if the player can move through the base in more than two directions personally I think its fine. For example if he is able to go left and right its fine but if he is forced one way for example down a one way alley that should not be allowed.

4B - Regals Apartment - I think regals should be allowed nine barricades because its a richer area and you pay more for the property, also having 2 entrances which are on opposite sides is really hard to defend with the limited building powers at the moment.

4C - Projex apartments - as of now we are not allowed to place metal detectors at the front as we use to, I believe that we should be allowed to place them again as it wasn't obstructing and it was just a useful defence mechanism which was utilised in the right ways.

4H - The Farm - Currently we are not allowed to build much on the bottom floor of farm I think we should allowed to place anything but barricades at the main bottom room of the farm and we should not be allowed to use the props as a defence to hide behind only strategic ways it should be utilised in.
It also states "You may not put metal detectors at the top of farm ladders which i think should be removed as again it was useful and it wasn't to OP it was utilised as it would be utilised in real life.

4(I) - Office - You pay like 25k for office and are not allowed more than nine concrete barriers I think this is unrealistic as an office building would hold a lot more weight than nine concrete barriers I think we should be allowed 12 because at the moment there is like one set defence in office which everyone uses.

It also says no elevated props at the top of office I think you should be able to create a small play form at maximum at the top of the black barrier around the roof because it wasn't to OP when people use to do it and it has a risk as your exposed from many areas on the roof on a slightly elevated plat form.

4(J) Morons - Currently you are not allowed to place "An excessive amount of props outside of morons which I think should be deleted because the bases there were good because of the outside and you could hold outside of the base the only restriction in my opinion should be no barricades outside of the moron property. This will also give a use of the boarder control place (the barricades controlled from inside the little hut thing)

It also says that the fences in the middle of Morons should not be made I think this should be removed as it was a good defence and wasn't even to OP I never saw many people complain and its realistic and a good tactic for the moron defence.

4(I) Parker - I think elevated defence's should be allowed in here but not of the floor, I think that you should be allowed to make it from the top of the fence at the back and the cardboard boxes in the middle of parker as there use to be some useful defences from there which I personally wouldn't class as aids.

4(m) Bazaar Shops - I think bazaar shops use to have some impressive RP creations in them but now its so restricted theres not even RP uses at bazaar, I think if you'r not growing you should be allowed to make anything you want in bazaar using any props as long as it abides the normal building rules such as being realistic and supported. However if defending I think you can have a maximum of 3 concrete barricades and one wooden fence inside so you can still make some sort of defence but not so its really OP.

4(N) Business shops - defences which allowed people to jump onto the counter and shoot over a little wooden fence was good as it was penetrable and gave some good raids at business, however I do not believe that concrete barricades should be placed and thats the only defence you should be allowed to have within a business shop (still allowed to block windows).

4(O) McUwes - You should be allowed nine concrete barricades within the property and should be allowed one elevated defence of the height of the tables in the main room, also should be allowed as many props needed to make the defence as long as its not directing movement and its not a maze.

5(A) Upright defences - Up right defences should be allowed in places that are allowed 9+ barricades and they also count as part of the number of barricades your allowed (this excludes the windows at puffer you are allowed to put them all a long there without effecting how many you have in the property.)

5(D) Regals balcony - Remove this as there is a risk of being shot in the side now from regals and the defence would be useful for the fire exit protection and it was a nice part of bases back when they were allowed.

5(E) Metal detectors - Remove this is just a un needed rule in my opinion.

5(F) Decrotive props - Remove this but maximum amount of fridges should be limited to 2-3 fridges a base and they should not be able to be stacked on top of each other.

5(G) Misc 1-2 - Allow lights on barricades again and allow wooden boards to block the barricades off but must be able to see the light and the persons head clearly when blocking it off with a wooden fence.

The main aim is to bring back creative defences what are not aids and not have set bases which everyone uses like it like at the moment where every base is the same. Also make the construction booklet something you look at to see what you are not allowed not what you are allowed as I think @John Daymon said in another thread.

Thanks for reading, any suggestions to the changes of rules feel free to discuss and express your feeling about below and i will change it due to how many people agree/disagree.



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Removing the construction book will make perpheads builds as aids as it is already, a good edit of the construction booklet will definitely inspire some decent and creative builds. Having no construction booklet will make basing and raising hard and just plain dumb.

Keeping the booklet as it is will just annoy more people (like it has already).
I remember the old days when you could turn your apartment into a bunker and tbh I think those were good times because in order to raid people actually needed to get the entire org and good weaponds if they wanted to win and I think that is what is lacking rn on perp, now we just got people raiding others with one pistol and one bobby because they have nothing to lose, and the risk is much higher to the defenders who have drugs and will possibly have to deal with cops while raiders only lose one pistol and get a 10k ticket max.

I understand that those old bases were aids, some of them, but it was actually the good thing about perp. If the booklet gets removed and people can start making those bases again i believe that org will actually start to come together and think twice about the risks on raiding other propertys.
An issue that I have noticed is that people complain over the booklet but never come with suggestions how to fix it, I've only seen one person actually bring up what they would add/remove in it, if you're gonna make a suggestion like this then go around ask your friends what they would want changed.
honestly I just want more than 1 of each wooden board in my bazaar growing palaces so i can hold more than 6 people's drugs
think the max I ever got in one of my shops was 8, but that base was definitely not allowed lmao

I think elements of it should be edited to allow creativity in defences and creativity in actual RP.
Removing the construction book will make perpheads builds as aids as it is already
aids already???? dear god you clearly didnt play in early 2016 before things got cracked down on



but on a serious note, as I mentioned before, we should allow old shit where you could use wooden boards to atleast SLIGHTLY hinder movement and reduce where the raiders could move, so that they can't just sprint straight inside of your base by running forwards.

shit was fun to defend with and even to raid tbh, made bombs, grenades, wallbanging actually more important than it is nowadays as well
aids already???? dear god you clearly didnt play in early 2016 before things got cracked down on



but on a serious note, as I mentioned before, we should allow old shit where you could use wooden boards to atleast SLIGHTLY hinder movement and reduce where the raiders could move, so that they can't just sprint straight inside of your base by running forwards.

shit was fun to defend with and even to raid tbh, made bombs, grenades, wallbanging actually more important than it is nowadays as well

Aids or not, that defence looks fucking sick. They must have spent a lot of time making it so perfect.

Despite @MrLewis putting more work into it then his GCSE's i just think, there's a lot of pointless shit, Like recently he made the spotlights not allowed to be on top....Like what the fuck, I have never seen somebody moan about people having spotlights. You limited it to 3 so why do you have to make it even more 'less aids'.

I like a good bit of aids me.
An issue that I have noticed is that people complain over the booklet but never come with suggestions how to fix it, I've only seen one person actually bring up what they would add/remove in it, if you're gonna make a suggestion like this then go around ask your friends what they would want changed.

As a rapid backstory lemme just explain why it was originally created. The old system was based solely on discretion between what was allowed and what wasn't, which heavily influenced the 'base meta' every now and then; what this created was a spiraling effect where players would add onto something fine and then eventually make it something that was a huge issue with other players(i.e - constant reports, forum posts, aids etc). The actual original idea was simply to make examples of things that weren't allowed and when I originally brought this up to a few close friends within the team they all agreed that it's a good idea to expand on. However after much debate we realised this would still create some problems and wouldn't remove some of the issues involved with building, therefore the decision was made to have an outright ruling on what was and wasn't allowed.

Just for a second imagine this from a staff members POV:
  • User asks if base is okay
  • Staff 1 says yes, so user uses the same defense for around a week
  • Other players see this base and use it, causing other people to start getting frustrated with how 'OP' it is.
  • Staff 2 see's this issue, bans the defense as a whole
  • User asks if base is okay (back to top)
I think the whole meme of mine and james's booklet has been blew way out of proportion, IMO it really doesn't have any mass changes on perpheads how it is, and in all honesty after looking back on some original 'creative' defenses I can see why it was made(will find the fat google doc is people really want me to). If the community wants it gone, fine, but I can 100000% assure everyone that's its going to bring up a lot of old issues that older players will recognize(watch out for the "REEEEE SHOW US WHAT IS AND ISN'T ALLOWED FFS" -Many users from around a year ago).

Essentially, like @John Daymon said, if someone comes up with a solid example, nothing to really do with discretion and some form of solid guidelines, then I'd be happy to remove the booklet, lemme know what you lot think.

pre the optimistic ratings
lemme know what you lot think

I just think building specific stuff ruins it. Why should you be allowed to do X and Y in one building but not another? Even if said thing is more "overpowered" in another building, then that shouldn't be taken away, but much rather be seen as an advantage of using one building over another. The misc construction stuff is fine because it filters out defenses that are pure cancer. But also the use of wooden boards has been hindered as supposedly some staff believe that placing a board in such fashion that it blocks a direct run from one door to another (e.g a board between regals front door and balcony door inside of the appartement), is considered as 3.8, or so I've heard at least even though I thought the rule was to enforced in the literal way it is written (no mazes or forced jumping/crouching), the booklet cannot outline what exactly directing movement is, which I understand, but it plays a huge part in one's defense and is still a grey area which falls to staff discretion.
[Suggestion Included]
The way I remember how it used to be was you could build some really OP and creative shit and it would normally be allowed if it was "Realistically supported" But the main thing that the booklet is trying to do is stop OP bases to make it fairer and to take into account realistic structural integrity. If you come onto this server wanting more realism over fun then you would not want to see 15+ solid concrete barricades on a wooden floor with a floor below it. It mainly depends if people want fun over realism and fairness. I think it should just be the bigger the area the more props are allowed. So no 15+ concrete and wooden barricades in regals because that is far too compact and awkward to raid and even to defend in some cases. But allow bigger bases in places like Glass.Co+Parker and the Officer and other large buildings with a large playable area. This adds room for creativity and fun while lowering realism to an acceptable amount. The Senior Administration team could create a community-wide vote as to how many props should be allowed in each purchasable building. Once the vote has been concluded the S.A.T will decide what is best for both new and old players for both the raiding and defending side. And then improvements can be made from there. There should still be realistic prop placement but lower than it currently is. No concrete barricades on wooden barricades in the air but die down the whole "This building can realistically only hold (insert no* of barricades)" Opinions? @MrLewis