Reintroduction of the Construction Booklet

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United Kingdom, Devon
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Reintroduction of the "Construction Booklet" Previously formed by @Sgt.James & @MrLewis

Your version of the rule: I believe each base should have rules decided by the actual playerbase, this was the issue previously as people wanted to explore and have more freedom when designing bases.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: The construction booklet was a great idea as it allowed players to know exactly what they COULD and COULDN'T do however I believe it was poorly executed :MrLewis: If people disagree I'd honestly like you to reply with said reason as personally I cant think of a single reason on why this wouldn't be a great addition.

Bases have become cancer also lmao.
I agree with this, they should just add it back but be more lenient with what is acceptable
Honestly some of the limitations in the booklet were cancer, if this were to be brought back heavy revisions would be required and we'd need to go through as a community and decide which parts were fine and which parts were simply too limiting.

Either way, bases have just become pure aids at this point, and I'm pretty sure most of us can agree that the booklet was needed.
Before fucking cucks mention "THE BOOKLET LIMITED SO MUCH" "ANGRY REACT"

read. It says I'd like it reworked completely and have the community involved with every single base.
The booklet is a good idea it just needs to have more effort put into it, preferably with player input this time
You’re mentally fucked in the head if you think the booklet was good

You're mentally fucked if you think letting the playerbase have free reign over bases is good. I've been back 3 days and I've seen so many cancer bases, I'll upload a few if you don't believe me.
As everyone said, it was a good idea however @MrLewis fucking ruined it, almost made it as bad as his Zeus tattoo. If reintroduced, players should def have some input; however you're going to need to realize that some players won't like everything but that's were we come to a compromise as a community for the better good.

lewis im kidding ily we out to molloys btw.
As everyone said, it was a good idea however @MrLewis fucking ruined it, almost made it as bad as his Zeus tattoo. If reintroduced, players should def have some input; however you're going to need to realize that some players won't like everything but that's were we come to a compromise as a community for the better good.

lewis im kidding ily we out to molloys btw.
It doesn't need the whole communities input as its irrelevant, people such as @Slayerduck and other TFU based players should not be allowed to have an input. Ask the people who it effects (crims) and pick a handful of the best to decide, this is the best as its the majorities opinion given by the most experienced. Also if people are RP'ing allow anything if realistic with no shit reports having to be made.
It doesn't need the whole communities input as its irrelevant, people such as @Slayerduck and other TFU based players should not be allowed to have an input. Ask the people who it effects (crims) and pick a handful of the best to decide, this is the best as its the majorities opinion given by the most experienced. Also if people are RP'ing allow anything if realistic with no shit reports having to be made.
The problem with "picking the best" is you have people that mostly pick what will benefit themselves in raids. You have less of a bias opinion when you have the entire community give their input.
It doesn't need the whole communities input as its irrelevant, people such as @Slayerduck and other TFU based players should not be allowed to have an input. Ask the people who it effects (crims) and pick a handful of the best to decide, this is the best as its the majorities opinion given by the most experienced. Also if people are RP'ing allow anything if realistic with no shit reports having to be made.

If it was up to crims the TFU van should be nerfed, and the booklet removed. In addition those players who were never able to get into the police because of their horrible warning/ban record should all be unbanned. Oh wait.

Excluding the opinion of those who have reached a certain rank in plpd because they might not meet your opinion is dumb and biased.

If it was up to crims the TFU van should be nerfed, and the booklet removed. In addition those players who were never able to get into the police because of their horrible warning/ban record should all be unbanned. Oh wait.

Excluding the opinion of those who have reached a certain rank in plpd because they might not meet your opinion is dumb and biased.
You want cops to decide on the bases they raid? HaAAAAAAAAA! this is the same guy that cried about spotlights right? fucking lOL. Noty, cops opinions should be fucked off in the trash
You want cops to decide on the bases they raid? HaAAAAAAAAA! this is the same guy that cried about spotlights right? fucking lOL. Noty, cops opinions should be fucked off in the trash
dw boys got the Cpt of tfu spam negative rating the posts, couldn't kill your argument more
dw boys got the Cpt of tfu spam negative rating the posts, couldn't kill your argument more
The argument got killed as soon as you tried to get your little handful of experienced players deciding everything that should be in the construction booklet. If it was up to you and your friends you would obviously try to make it as easy for you and as hard for others as possible "because it effects you" it effects everyone not just the ones basing but also the officers and the raiders. If this is going to be a thing everyone should get an input, not just your little handful
The argument got killed as soon as you tried to get your little handful of experienced players deciding everything that should be in the construction booklet. If it was up to you and your friends you would obviously try to make it as easy for you and as hard for others as possible "because it effects you" it effects everyone not just the ones basing but also the officers and the raiders. If this is going to be a thing everyone should get an input, not just your little handful
"my" experienced team mates defend AND raid do they not? I speak for the majority as I run everything past the stacked teamspeak before posting. Your opinion is nothing, merely higher ranks within the PD of a dead division. Goodluck either way with whatever you are trying to achieve here, all I know is im trying to get the MAJORITY happy and not the minority such as yourself and other Cpt's.
"my" experienced team mates defend AND raid do they not? I speak for the majority as I run everything past the stacked teamspeak before posting. Your opinion is nothing, merely higher ranks within the PD of a dead division. Goodluck either way with whatever you are trying to achieve here, all I know is im trying to get the MAJORITY happy and not the minority such as yourself and other Cpt's.
This suggestion would put an impact on the entire community and as such the entire community should get a vote in it for the least amount of problems, not the majority but the entirety should get a voice. Just because you defend and raid doesn't mean you should decide everything as it is pretty clear you just want cops out of the question
People saying booklet is actually good either a. never experienced a time where it didn't exist or b. are triggered police because if you don't contribute to either of those points you'd understand how fucking gay the booklet is because it's just that.
This suggestion would put an impact on the entire community and as such the entire community should get a vote in it for the least amount of problems, not the majority but the entirety should get a voice. Just because you defend and raid doesn't mean you should decide everything as it is pretty clear you just want cops out of the question
The PD is known for making good decisions isn't it? :D whatever, if the PD ever have a say I'd rather Lewis just make it
The PD is known for making good decisions isn't it? :D whatever, if the PD ever have a say I'd rather Lewis just make it
This just further proves my point that you would rather have the PD out of the question when it's still part of the community and then should have a say. Whether they do or don't make good decision they are still apart of the player base. Stop trying to cater everything to your needs and think of everyone for once
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