ar on tadgee

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Johnny Desperado / You sure -.-' ?
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Tadgee / Tadgee Rankins?
His/Her SteamID: I am not sure.
Why Should This Player Be Punished: The player broke rules 3.6 and 3.4. Initially, it seems the player came to flank but has been greeted by me due to be getting information about possible flankers. I gunpointed Tadgee, told him not to move plentiful of times while he was on his feet and while he was on the ground - he ignored my commands completely and if I wasn't a police officer, tadgee would have been shot at and died long ago. I had to repeat my command for him to stop moving, but he came towards me and ignored my commands under gunpoint, and while he was crouching, he also rotated to face me to sneak an opportunity to shoot me with his deagle, even though I explicility told him to stop moving and turning around. The user had no chance to break the gunpoint, and instead of putting his life at risk, he should have obeyed the commands.
Evidence (Demo Required)

Tick: It starts around ~62000 and ends around ~68000 approximately.

If I wanted to shoot you I would have pulled it out wasn't coming to flank I was just sitting there watching and you cuff me and obviously I'm going to be pissed off if you just cuff me for no reason when I'm not in a crime scene or anything and just search me when I did nothing. I moved my head and not my body and if I wanted to shoot you I would have bolted it when you was rotating towards me and jumped down the PD or something not just sat there.

User will receive a warning for their actions.​
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