AR on Charlie

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Google Chrome

Communication Banned
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Your Steam/In-game Name: Google Chrome/ Bob Bobov
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Charlie Collins/ @Charlie Collins
His/Her SteamID: -
Why Should This Player Be Punished: While I was a mayor taxes were 15% sale taxes and 0% income taxes and Charlie decided to make adverts to lower the taxes but I didn't want to lower them so when I went outside in public to take the monorail to bazaar he came up to me with a gun and shoot me down.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: -

So I and Frankie were rolling with each other and Frankie wanted me to make him some guns so i said to Frankie to check the taxes which he said they were at 39% we gave you the warning to lower them waited 10mins saw you in the parking garage and killed you. From the point when we gave you the warning to the point where i killed you there was at no point did you go to the city hall or even try to communicate with us. As the taxes affected my business in making guns for Frankie i killed you with the warning to lower the taxes.

Enjoy :)

So I and Frankie were rolling with each other and Frankie wanted me to make him some guns so i said to Frankie to check the taxes which he said they were at 39% we gave you the warning to lower them waited 10mins saw you in the parking garage and killed you. From the point when we gave you the warning to the point where i killed you there was at no point did you go to the city hall or even try to communicate with us. As the taxes affected my business in making guns for Frankie i killed you with the warning to lower the taxes.

Enjoy :)
The taxes not 39% I am more than sure that I put them on 15% so what do you mean
The taxes not 39% I am more than sure that I put them on 15% so what do you mean
Like i stated Frankie told me it was on 39%. That is why i started this all off. Mate if you have evidence of them being on 19% then i will be more then happy to take the blame. As i understand i should have got a book of law for my self and checked them but i didn't have one on me at the time sadly. I just trusted Frankie to tell me the right %.
39% is an uncommon number. Could it be that they were being gradually lowered from a higher number? Taxes don't decrease immediately.
I just became a mayor and put the taxes on 15% and 0 income impossible that they were 39
Could have been but at the time was told that they were at 39 and that was it. I understand now from that POV that i should have asked for Frankie to tell me if the taxes were going down or higher. But as soon as i was told they were on 39% I put out the advert for them to be lowered. It only took like 12 mins for me to find him and kill him. From the point of the advert being posted. [That is also including waiting 10 mins to see if he could lower them or not] I am pretty sure that 1 min ='s 1% lower or higher so even if they were going down it would only be on about 27%.
I just became a mayor and put the taxes on 15% and 0 income impossible that they were 39
You were mayor for about 20mins bud. As you spent 9 or 10 mins in City Hall when you got mayor. Then you moved into the PD waited another 10mins. while you were in PD i put the warning saying lower the taxes. Then you came out of the PD went into the main city near bank then walked into the parking garage then i killed you before you were able to try and get away.
You were mayor for about 20mins bud. As you spent 9 or 10 mins in City Hall when you got mayor. Then you moved into the PD waited another 10mins. while you were in PD i put the warning saying lower the taxes. Then you came out of the PD went into the main city near bank then walked into the parking garage then i killed you before you were able to try and get away.
"buddy" The taxes were at 15% when you made the advert so I can lower them If I feel to do
The taxes were never at 39% all stuff that you say about them is a lie I would like you to show me some kind of proof that they were 39
Sadly i do not have any proof as i was not recording. Also, a Demo would not show anything to prove what i have said. Like i said before if you have proof then i will accept the ban or warn. As i understand that i may have taken this situation in the wrong way. As i asked Frankie for the Tax% and he told me it was on 39% so. I trusted him and like i said i understand that i should have checked them my self which i took someone's word.
Sadly i do not have any proof as i was not recording. Also, a Demo would not show anything to prove what i have said. Like i said before if you have proof then i will accept the ban or warn. As i understand that i may have taken this situation in the wrong way. As i asked Frankie for the Tax% and he told me it was on 39% so. I trusted him and like i said i understand that i should have checked them my self which i took someone's word.
So you killed me without knowing if it is true thats nice as I never change the taxes after they were at 15%
@Geordie Life If you would like to say your part of what happened then it would maybe help out with the understanding of this situation. As you were involved.

Apart from that i have nothing else to add so i am just going to leave it for staff to do what they need to do. I have said my peace.

We cannot determine if the taxes were 19% or 39%(No evidence shows that and unfortunately the logs don't show that either), however, @Charlie Collins make sure you check the tax amount yourself bfeore taking an action.​
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