The Life Of Kyle Lafferty


Professional Stripper
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Yesterday, I was thinking how we could help new players and make it easier for them on the server so today i spent 3-4 hours on my CS alt as a sweater which I used before. I joined with around 1k in bank from all the money farming but made the most of it. Ii logged everything that happened throughout the day:

The Life of Kyle Lafferty.

1. Arrived with 1k in bank, bought a knife off some bloke MrStone, attacked by Tyrone Biglegs for being on his turf and shot by Max-qui after I pulled bat nearly dead. I guess any new player like this would probably leave the server and rage quit or like they say go play minecraft. @ALOO89

2. @Lelios helped man out. Gave him 10k, he bought 3 rods, got bored and bought a guy vip for a guy getting 75k.

3. Man buys a sawn off from NoHax at a cheap price ty, baits 2 blyats in p3 to open door, Yamato manages to sponge a Sawn off to the face and spray him down while Alo still tries to understand englesk. Yamato says something like "ez" in LOOC to trigger me lmao. @NoHax

4. Advertised looking for an ORG and nobody helped me. :(

5. Salt report for asking how to buy p3 door in help chat then LOOC, while I waited for p4 to open their door for the aids raid.

6. Sick of this gay ass shit my man buys a minicooper. Paints it black and changes his name to "Trayvon Biglegs"

7. Buys a revolver off Marc again, goes to hicktown to fish. Before 2 chicken nuggets threaten my man with a knife and baseball bat before saying its a joke.

- Tyrone .... No Ruski style ... 1 taps both Erik and K3 that tried to mug him while they fish. @HungaryTed/Erik/:D @KayB

8.5 After shooting skids, man hid inside Hicktown 2 when owner died outside, Shai phones owner who has now respawned to breach Hicktown 2 and give Trayvon 10y 10k. I dont know how you'd expect new players to afford 10k tickets and keep playing when its this hard to earn money. @Shay

9. People that refused to inv me to org:
DB Killer
John King

10. People that refused to give me a lift:

10.5 People that gave me a lift: John King

11. Gimic checks IP because I'm probably ban evading ngl and probably thinks i'm cheating from kill loggs.

12. Raided Yerda Avon's Bazaar shop with a bat, killed him and took his PPK and drugs. < Killed flanker "Perp gives me cancer" Sharkeisha with PPK, and took her m1911.< PPK was mingerabbed by Travis bloke. @fIZZAY @Jimbo

13. Trayvon warranted, Bats down Smoof before getting pinned in his shop by Wylde and executed. @Alexander Smith @Saint Wylde

You were all bamboozled. L8rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr B
I think everyone needs to realise how hard it is for new players. I didn't even have to grind for cash. Everyone was toxic towards me IC and OOC which is completely different to my other acc. Pretty funny though I enjoyed it.
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8.5 After shooting skids, man hid inside Hicktown 2 when owner died outside, Shai phones owner who has now respawned to breach Hicktown 2 and give Trayvon 10y 10k. I dont know how you'd expect new players to afford 10k tickets and keep playing when its this hard to earn money.
10K tickets are stupid and should be gotten rid off since that's already 1/3rd of a players starter money, they will definitely do stupid shit but it doesn't mean you have to take away all their starter money only for them to end up never joining again, the limit should be 5K which is still a considerable amount. Make the suggestion at since my account is still disabled, thanks.
10K tickets are stupid and should be gotten rid off since that's already 1/3rd of a players starter money, they will definitely do stupid shit but it doesn't mean you have to take away all their starter money only for them to end up never joining again, the limit should be 5K which is still a considerable amount. Make the suggestion at since my account is still disabled, thanks.
Told Shai this on Steam. Tickets don't benefit anyone. I barely ever give tickets. Nobody is really going to think, I'm not going to shoot this guy because I dont want to waste 10 minutes of my life and a 10k ticket. Im just wondering how many new players leave after running out of start up money from shit like this.
Just out of curiosity did you have any trouble with marksmanship on guns?
Just out of curiosity did you have any trouble with marksmanship on guns?
I knew I'd be awful with an AR or SMG so I stuck to Revolvers and shotguns which made no difference even though my main is 100 pistol marks
Ngl, i didn't know this Trayvon was you until you handed over a free gun to me and said "Here Marc, free gift for you".
I liked this experiment.
I knew I'd be awful with an AR or SMG so I stuck to Revolvers and shotguns which made no difference even though my main is 100 pistol marks

It's ridiculous that a new player is scared of using an SMG or rifle as it makes it impossible for them to defend from level 100 marksmanship shooters even if those shooters are trash.
It's ridiculous that a new player is scared of using an SMG or rifle as it makes it impossible for them to defend from level 100 marksmanship shooters even if those shooters are trash.
I think that it comes down to the price of the guns more than their lack of marksmanship level.
I think that it comes down to the price of the guns more than their lack of marksmanship level.

When I came back, I had 1/100 and it was impossible to control recoil even at short ranges.

Think this was like 40/100 so imagine what 1/100 is like.
you said my man more times than i have cells in my body
i was about to help you but you gp me ( wasnt ready for shotout i was eating LOL )
same experience with my brother as he doesn't speak English that much, so people sometimes try to scam him or even try to mug him as he kinda of a new person