Professional Stripper
Yesterday, I was thinking how we could help new players and make it easier for them on the server so today i spent 3-4 hours on my CS alt as a sweater which I used before. I joined with around 1k in bank from all the money farming but made the most of it. Ii logged everything that happened throughout the day:
The Life of Kyle Lafferty.
1. Arrived with 1k in bank, bought a knife off some bloke MrStone, attacked by Tyrone Biglegs for being on his turf and shot by Max-qui after I pulled bat nearly dead. I guess any new player like this would probably leave the server and rage quit or like they say go play minecraft. @ALOO89
2. @Lelios helped man out. Gave him 10k, he bought 3 rods, got bored and bought a guy vip for a guy getting 75k.
3. Man buys a sawn off from NoHax at a cheap price ty, baits 2 blyats in p3 to open door, Yamato manages to sponge a Sawn off to the face and spray him down while Alo still tries to understand englesk. Yamato says something like "ez" in LOOC to trigger me lmao. @NoHax
4. Advertised looking for an ORG and nobody helped me.
5. Salt report for asking how to buy p3 door in help chat then LOOC, while I waited for p4 to open their door for the aids raid.
6. Sick of this gay ass shit my man buys a minicooper. Paints it black and changes his name to "Trayvon Biglegs"
7. Buys a revolver off Marc again, goes to hicktown to fish. Before 2 chicken nuggets threaten my man with a knife and baseball bat before saying its a joke.
- Tyrone .... No Ruski style ... 1 taps both Erik and K3 that tried to mug him while they fish. @HungaryTed/Erik/:D @KayB
8.5 After shooting skids, man hid inside Hicktown 2 when owner died outside, Shai phones owner who has now respawned to breach Hicktown 2 and give Trayvon 10y 10k. I dont know how you'd expect new players to afford 10k tickets and keep playing when its this hard to earn money. @Shay
9. People that refused to inv me to org:
DB Killer
John King
10. People that refused to give me a lift:
10.5 People that gave me a lift: John King
11. Gimic checks IP because I'm probably ban evading ngl and probably thinks i'm cheating from kill loggs.
12. Raided Yerda Avon's Bazaar shop with a bat, killed him and took his PPK and drugs. < Killed flanker "Perp gives me cancer" Sharkeisha with PPK, and took her m1911.< PPK was mingerabbed by Travis bloke. @fIZZAY @Jimbo
13. Trayvon warranted, Bats down Smoof before getting pinned in his shop by Wylde and executed. @Alexander Smith @Saint Wylde
The Life of Kyle Lafferty.
1. Arrived with 1k in bank, bought a knife off some bloke MrStone, attacked by Tyrone Biglegs for being on his turf and shot by Max-qui after I pulled bat nearly dead. I guess any new player like this would probably leave the server and rage quit or like they say go play minecraft. @ALOO89
2. @Lelios helped man out. Gave him 10k, he bought 3 rods, got bored and bought a guy vip for a guy getting 75k.
3. Man buys a sawn off from NoHax at a cheap price ty, baits 2 blyats in p3 to open door, Yamato manages to sponge a Sawn off to the face and spray him down while Alo still tries to understand englesk. Yamato says something like "ez" in LOOC to trigger me lmao. @NoHax
4. Advertised looking for an ORG and nobody helped me.

5. Salt report for asking how to buy p3 door in help chat then LOOC, while I waited for p4 to open their door for the aids raid.
6. Sick of this gay ass shit my man buys a minicooper. Paints it black and changes his name to "Trayvon Biglegs"
7. Buys a revolver off Marc again, goes to hicktown to fish. Before 2 chicken nuggets threaten my man with a knife and baseball bat before saying its a joke.
8.5 After shooting skids, man hid inside Hicktown 2 when owner died outside, Shai phones owner who has now respawned to breach Hicktown 2 and give Trayvon 10y 10k. I dont know how you'd expect new players to afford 10k tickets and keep playing when its this hard to earn money. @Shay
9. People that refused to inv me to org:
DB Killer
John King
10. People that refused to give me a lift:
10.5 People that gave me a lift: John King
11. Gimic checks IP because I'm probably ban evading ngl and probably thinks i'm cheating from kill loggs.
12. Raided Yerda Avon's Bazaar shop with a bat, killed him and took his PPK and drugs. < Killed flanker "Perp gives me cancer" Sharkeisha with PPK, and took her m1911.< PPK was mingerabbed by Travis bloke. @fIZZAY @Jimbo
13. Trayvon warranted, Bats down Smoof before getting pinned in his shop by Wylde and executed. @Alexander Smith @Saint Wylde
You were all bamboozled. L8rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr B
I think everyone needs to realise how hard it is for new players. I didn't even have to grind for cash. Everyone was toxic towards me IC and OOC which is completely different to my other acc. Pretty funny though I enjoyed it.
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