What Was Your First Coding Languages?

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Edinburgh, Scotland
Hello all, I was looking through my computer and found some of my old .bat games, and played through some of them, as it was the first coding language I done, I'd love to know:

What was your first coding languages you learned?
Visual basic. I learned that all through school and the only things I ever made with it outside of actual coursework were little scripts disguised on the desktop as internet explorer that crashed or shutdown the school PCs when clicked because I was a little shit.
I made my first real website in HTML, with the assistance of paint, using a free online login script that did not actually do anything and could easily be surpassed, then I made a small game in Visual Basic where you played as a dispatcher and had to send units to crime scenes.
French.. Jk lol..

Scratch was my first, but now in school, we don't have a fucking computer department because there's no fucking teachers for it. An entire wing dedicated to Computing without any bloody use. Absolute bullshit.
.bat ofc!

I just played around with it and made shitty login scripts that could be surpassed so fucking easily. Also, there was no point in them, i just made them for the lols.
I made a virus using BATCH and visual basic.

But i guess batch and visual c#
Here to revive things :)

First I started with basic HTML/CSS/Javascript.
After I was done with it I learned basic PHP later to work with frameworks/cms.
After that I learned to work with databases and the protection of it
After that I learned the basic of C# ( For my final project of school; A (un)zip system. comparable to the functions of winrar )
After that I learned networking ( I forgot the most of the shit lmao )
After that I finished all the free courses of : https://www.certifiedsecure.com ( Not its a language lol ).
I am now learning Python (Django) (Thanks @ayjay ツ for the handy tutorials)