What Was Your First Coding Languages?

Currently I am a web developer for a few communities, and have been taking courses to expand upon my backend skills, made a few of the websites for larger companies where I live as well. The first real programming language I learned(HTML and CSS ain’t programming language to those who think it is) was PhP, but I was learning python at the same time. Of course I hadn’t mastered HTML and CSS by then
Started with python as most do, probably because it's english-like syntax and ease of use. Then I kind of learnt lua a bit through Bot of Legends (rip) scripts for LoL such as making some small auto AI scripts so that I could bot accounts to level 30 without doing anything (rip volibot auto queuer too). I just wanted to learn how to use more complex things, but not having to code some dogshit cheats on an FPS game. Currently stuck with VB for the sake of college, but hopefully I'll learn C# or ++ on the side, depends on what I want to do in the future I guess.
Java was my first about 6 years ago. I also looked into web dev.

Also, im getting triggered! html is not a programming language... you cant code nor write programs in html. pls stop!
Bonjour mein petite sauerkraut deustche ni hao ha ji me ma shi te c'mere

The order of languages: French, German, Mandarin, Japanese, Gaelic.
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You'd be surprised with the complexity and extent these languages go however, especially when you add preprocessors into the mix.
You should try’n pick up more than just Python it’ll help a lot if you want a career in web development. PhP, is great to know and if your interested in front end developing CSS and HTML are extremely important. While your younger I recommend picking up as much as you can, learn 2 at a time if that’s a learning style that works for you.
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Do you really want to do web development? I'm not asking in a negative way, I'd just like to know if there is something else you would rather do in programming?
He has a point as much as I love web dev that’s just my preference I suggest you watch some videos on what exactly you want to do. As web development ain’t for most people as it isn’t the most interesting or cool thing to do
It actually is, it's markup, but it still classifies as code in my opinion. Code gives a application / computer instructions to do something, HTML instructs the browser to draw something / navigate somewhere, hence it classifies as code. You are in fact programming the browser to do something (draw) when it reads the HTML code.