AR against Wiki #FreeMelonstick's and niggakiller's (@Super_)

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Your Steam/In-game Name:
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Wiki #FreeMelonstick's and niggakiller's
His/Her SteamID: Wiki #FreeMelonstick's SteamID is: STEAM0:0:155779481 niggakiller's SteamID is: STEAM_0:1:80465059
Why Should This Player Be Punished: The main reason why I uploaded this demo was because they straight up lied to Super_ his face in an admin sit. They told him that I had my gun pulled when they started hitting me and that I was being rude. One of them was being extreemly rude to me in the sit. They both decided to hit me with their baseball bats at the same time killing me before my gun was even pulled and then telling Super_ that it was justified because my gun was aimed at John (Wiki).
Evidence (Demo Required):!TKghHALI!8jVVPDj_Cz4UZZPMqCCSdspjkVwEex2bA3O9O-flaN0
Tick: 17000
Right you are lying right here.

I hit you once as a warning okay I did not kill you. You then attempted to pull a gun out which we seen in your hand and I am willing to get demo's to prove it. You pulled your gun out, you tried to shoot me but failed and that is when niggakiller killed you.

You where asking for this all day by being rude to myself and a few other users on the server, you had it coming mate.
Right you are lying right here.

I hit you once as a warning okay I did not kill you. You then attempted to pull a gun out which we seen in your hand and I am willing to get demo's to prove it. You pulled your gun out, you tried to shoot me but failed and that is when niggakiller killed you.

You where asking for this all day by being rude to myself and a few other users on the server, you had it coming mate.
Could you also upload it on something else as I can't watch mega files.
Right. I am the one lying. My gun wasnt pulled yet while you guys said I was aiming it straight at you. In what way was I asking for any of it? I have not spoken to you that day when the incident happen when you decided to rdm me with your mate. You are a straight minge and you are a lier too. We will see what the staff will say about the clip. I was killed long before I was able to pull my gun and you didnt just hit me as a warning. First off all your not suppose to just hit someone with a bat and you ment to kill me with your mate as you both started hitting me simultaneously knocking me out in less then 2 seconds.
Like I said, I was not the one that killed you. I backed off when I seen the gun pulled. And I tried to run away. I never once said you aimed it at me I said that you pulled it. Also spam rating me disagree on the forums isn’t very mature. I did not ask for him to kill you and that is on his part, he was just defending me. He shot you. I only hit you once. Like I said, spam rating me disagree is not very mature.

The demo you have provided in the AR is not the correct demo. Please upload the correct demo otherwise this AR will be closed

Upon reviewing the evidence provided, it appears that @Wiki initially hit you with the bat as a warning to not continue harassing him and spitting on him, which can be suggested from the small pause there was between when he first hit you and when he hit you again upon pulling out your weapon into passive stance. And by you pulling your weapon out, it displays a threat to Wiki's life which is why he retaliated by hitting you again as well as @niggakiller hitting you in defence on Wiki.

While @Wiki could have initiated the situation more appropriately (i.e; using fists as opposed to a baseball bat; calling the cops; etc.), generally his actions were fine as a result of you drawing out your firearm after being hit the first time.
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