Windows 10 or something

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Everytime I load into the server, I look at the doors or vehicles, they will obviously show the owned by blah blah, but it lags for like 1-2 seconds, this is only windows 10, I went on windows 7 before and it's all fine, but this is only happening on Windows 10 for some reason. anychance anyone has had this problem and somehow fixed it?
Everytime I load into the server, I look at the doors or vehicles, they will obviously show the owned by blah blah, but it lags for like 1-2 seconds, this is only windows 10, I went on windows 7 before and it's all fine, but this is only happening on Windows 10 for some reason. anychance anyone has had this problem and somehow fixed it?
Did you try and re-install?
I do doubt this is OS related, it could be addon related though.
Try uninstalling all PERP addons if you have them installed and play without them. Graphics should still work, the font will change.
In the case you don't have the PERP addons installed, install them
Smokey made a similar thread yesterday and it seems that my .cfg fixed it for him.
If this is still happening just disable the floating names on doors and cars when you press F1 and go into options.
Check your hard drive activity in task manager to see if a Windows update isn't taking up 100% of HDD activity or wherever your Garry's Mod is installed in.

Reset your Garry's Mod to the default settings and unsubscribe and delete all workshop addons aswell as all server content you downloaded from other servers
Simple thing to do, delete all three folders inside Garry's Mod that start with "download", clear your entire addon folder aswell in your Garry's Mod directory and put "-autoconfig" without the quotation marks inside your Garry's Mod launch options, start it once, quit it as soon as you're in the menu and delete the launch option as soon as you done so. Just remember to set up your Garry's Mod video settings and everything else after you removed the launch option and set your Model Details to high aswell
Update your drivers.

Optional: use my autoexec.cfg or someone elses and put it inside your cfg folder of Garry's Mod Remove the voice/alias stuff at the bottom unless you want a voice chat key that's toggled. This is pretty performance oriented so this will disable some stuff.
perp was running fine before I had the June windows 10 update. (Creators Update)
Tried re-installing os and gmod, gpu drivers and still I was getting input lag/performance issues.

I got it working fine again recently through trying different graphics card driver versions.
Then I had another Windows 10 update last week and guess what, performance is terrible again.

Going to install Win 7 I think.
you can uninstall minor updates. I was having a 25 minute boot time until I removed a few 'security updates'

Might've been because one of my drives was dying too but It worked fine for a while after I removed those updates.
Yeah I have it, it's like a one time thing when you go into the server, look at the doors and vehicles but then it gets annoyed when you're in a shootout without looking at the door and then you have a spike mid-through shootout or whatever, kinda anooying
Can be closed, fucking FINALLY FIXED THIS.

Deleted all the fonts in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\cache\workshop\resource\fonts
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