
PERPHeads - Happy Halloween!
It's that time of year again, so of course we have to bring you a spooky update.
As you may of already noticed there's a few in-game updates similar to last year.
An infection event will also be hosted at 7PM(GMT) on the 31st.

- Pumpkin seeds can be bought from the Docks Pub or Hungriges Schwein Casino.
- Pumpkins can be planted on a grassy area (maximum 5 pumpkins at a time)
- Pumpkins can be kept or turned into other items.
- Pumpkins can be made into candy packages, Jack-O'-Lanterns (with a lamp) or Pumpkin Spice.

- Candy is obtained by creating Candy Packages in the Halloween section of the mixtures menu.
- Candy can be eaten, stored or used to buy novelty outfits over the course of Halloween.
- 8 different outfits can be obtained over Halloween all traded for varying candy amounts @ the creepy tree.

More information about the infection event will be available on the day, hope to see you there!
Have fun & Happy Halloween from Senior Administration.