[Discussion] Remove misdemeanour tickets


Professional Stripper
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I've suggested this on PLPD.Online here: https://plpd.online/forum/thread/suggestion-remove-misdemeanour-tickets.10

Where I've said:

Brief description of idea: Remove misdemeanour tickets for anything that isn't a traffic or minor offence.

Definition of a misdemeanour: a non-indictable offence, regarded as less serious than a felony.

What benefits would this idea have for the department:
- More criminals, contributing to more roleplay situations.

What potential negatives could this have for the department:
-People are careless and constantly committing more frequent serious felonies

Other additions:

What benefits would this idea have for the SERVER: Tickets don't benefit anyone, they don't make people think before committing crimes nor do they contribute to city funds. A lot of officers don't understand what liable means and tend to give max tickets. 99% of people won't join the server to passive RP. First thing they'll want is a gun and to shoot something. If that new player, kills 1 person, they lose 10k of their starting 20k from joining. It's not like it doesn't happen because I tested it as a fake sweater not to mention everything else that's against you. I think that tickets should only be given for traffic offences and any other offence that isn't liable to jail time. This allows new players to murder more than 2 people without losing their starting 20k due to 1 power-hungry officer with an ego (without the cost of a gun,ammo, bandages ect).

What potential negatives could this have for the SERVER: None

Some people are not constantly on PLPD.Online I'd rather create another discussion thread here to reduce any bias towards police.
What would the % on discounts be then? Would it be based on the amount of tickets you receive, or playtime? (sorry im blind, can't read) Where is Half-Life 3? How much playtime do you need before it wears off? Should the discount wear off gradually, following the playtime/amount?
Removing tickets will mean that every single dude going in for 10 years will literally annoy the shit out of the officer arresting him because he wont be able to take any financial loss. I dont tend to give tickets for murder or 9.2 but there are idiots who will literally do everything to piss you off
One would hope that officers would use appropriate judgement during situations e.g. a murder case the suspect can be given the option of getting 5 years 5k or 10 years no ticket. However a lot of officers are salty though they don’t lose anything and love to give the maximum possible punishment
i think tickets do make people think twice because i always have people begging ol louise lovee to not give them a ticket and arrest them instead
+1 let's also seize the means of production while we're at it.
@Super_ would never break a law again...

While this is a common approach in many legal systems, it would be difficult to do it on net worth and using liquid cash isn't going to work. For example, I normally have very little cash, but I have a lot of assets, whereas Super has less assets but a lot of cash.

Even if we choose low numbers, it would have a weird impact of some people trying to aim to have $0 in the bank.
Number of offenses is currently only sorted for the current life, so this wouldn't be easy to do. Playtime would be a better indicator.
Discount could be down to the amount they have in their bank accout e.g you can only be ticketed for 20% of your bank acc
@Super_ would never break a law again...

While this is a common approach in many legal systems, it would be difficult to do it on net worth and using liquid cash isn't going to work. For example, I normally have very little cash, but I have a lot of assets, whereas Super has less assets but a lot of cash.

Even if we choose low numbers, it would have a weird impact of some people trying to aim to have $0 in the bank.
considering you made a wonderful calculator that can get me the price of every item in my inventory, it shouldn't be that hard to roughly calculate the net worth of someone right? even just a rough estimate of guns, and materials(maybe exluding drugs idk) should already be better than the current system. i doubt people with millions in the bank mind the 10K tickets.

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