Lab report halp

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Maine, United States of America
Aight so basically currently I am enrolled in College Bio 2 or Bio 200 as we call it where I am. I can't write lab reports or any papers for shit and am looking for some pointers especially from u brits cuz I hear you're fancy writers. The current lab report due in 5 hours so urm any ideas would be helpful (Not looking for people to write the paper just tips on how yall do these.)
Start with an abstract, basically write a tdlr at the start of your report outlining if your hypothesis is correct or not, don't put what the report is about, then write your intro saying what the report is about, put your hypothesis in your intro. write a method and then results, analysis of your results and a discussion of your results. make sure you talk about errors if you did any practical shit and also make sure to reference correctly.
here's some I made earlier
this one the biggest I've made so far and should help
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I am well aware procrastination isn't the best trait to have, plan on majoring in biology, but school is school even if I am free I just procrastinate just me can't do shit about it.
I have to google that word, because everytime I read it I forget what it means and google it again.