Garry's Mod fullscreen doesn't work

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
It straight up doesn't work in fullscreen, I get a seizure with a flickering screen whenever I switch to it.

Troubleshooting steps I've run:

-Clean Gmod via the factory reset.bat
-Do another clean with these launch commands and disable Steam Cloud so it doesn't automatically use my .cfg
-novid -autoconfig -default +host_writeconfig config.cfg full +mat_savechanges +quit
-Display drivers and everything else is up to date, last re-installations were with DDU as well.

Probable culprits:

-My AMD GPU (Sapphire Nitro+ 5700XT).
-My Windows 10 installation for some reason.

Current solution:

Run Garry's Mod in borderless fullscreen.
Worse performance.
No TV Gamma adjustment (PERP is dark as fuck).

Potential solutions:

-Don't fucking buy AMD for old ass DirectX 9 or 11 games.
-Sell the 5700XT for a RTX Gen.2
-Use custom colour settings and deep fry this game like Escape from Tarkov to be able to see anything.
-I end up using cheats.

If you manage to fix my game I might just buy you a game within my budget.
Don't fucking buy AMD

agreed. This usually solves all PC related issues. Great information creepis, I'm sure this will truly help a roleplayer in need when they have the same issue once solved. I think you'd make a great staff member one day, ever thought about applying?
agreed. This usually solves all PC related issues. Great information creepis, I'm sure this will truly help a roleplayer in need when they have the same issue once solved. I think you'd make a great staff member one day, ever thought about applying?
want me to re-apply?

It's all in the mind buddy.
Nah it's just Garry's Mod that sucks with the borderless performance as well as increased input lag, any other game is fine. Also love how they show CS:GO and Overwatch in their B-Roll but not a benchmark since it would be nice to see due to the same engine.
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Nah it's just Garry's Mod that sucks with the borderless performance as well as increased input lag, any other game is fine. Also love how they show CS:GO in their B-Roll but not a benchmark since it would be nice to see due to the same engine.
Yeah weird he didn't. I'm not gonna lie I was playing Borderless the other day and I didn't notice a difference at all. When the server is fullish its always bad despite specs.
Is it maybe something to do with your monitor's resolution/vsync limit? You have an AMD card so you won't have GSYNC like I do but maybe you have something equivalent? Maybe try capping your framerate to 60 FPS or maybe even just turn off vsync.
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