Losing Magazines + Brass Knuckles

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The Netherlands
Description of the idea(s):
-Drop AmmoBoxes(SG)/Magazines on death.
-Adding Brass Knuckles

Why should this be added? (pros):
I think Dropping AmmoBoxes(SG)/Magazines on death would help to create more realism into the roleplay.
Instead of players just fighting the cops cause they will only lose their gun they now also will lose their Ammo/Magazines.
Therefor more people will consider surrendering to the police instead of just useless gunfights and raids.

-Adding Brass Knuckles would be a good alternative for new players to make them choose in between the Aluminum Bat or the Brass Knuckles.
Also it will be harder to spot then the gigantic baseball bat.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
It could piss people off that if they die by some bullshit like getting ran over or just falling to their death they lose it,
but then aswell its their own fault in most cases if that happens.

*Other additions:
Materials/skills for the Brass Knuckles : Crafting 1/1 Piece of Metal/1 Plastic. maybe?

*Images: -
i don't like this idea because mags are easy to make and you can buy from anyone. but brass knuckles is a good idea
There is 'realism' and realism. In my opinion, there is no need for this to be added, there are already many melee items, Not to mention, Strength 5 Unarmed 8 is practically 4 hits and you're dead.

There'd be no need for you to drug ammo boxes/magazines on death as this will just cause more issues.
This is insanely stupid, I can already take a police out in around 8 punches and adding brass knuckles would just make that OP
This is insanely stupid, I can already take a police out in around 8 punches and adding brass knuckles would just make that OP
How is it dumb, when you can make a machete that two hits? I'd imagine it'd be a craft able melee weapon like the rest so there is no argument for it being "op"

I'd like the addition of brass knuckles but dropping your mags when dying just becomes long and frustrating over time, it'd also fuck a lot of newer players because you're limiting them to weapons that don't require magazines like shotguns.
Because you can fucking see a machete from a mile away unless you’re blind.............................................................
But realistically who pulls a machete out from range?? You'd be able to see brass knuckles too if people decide to use their eyes instead. If you're going to kill a cop with a machete you remove the distance from you and the person you're killing. I don't believe there is anything OP about brass knuckles, because they'd have to go into attack stance, which then the cop and clock onto him having a melee weapon, just like you can visibly see rings on someones hands. If it's cops being punched 4 times to death that worries you then I wouldn't worry too much because if they die to that they're just dog. You can just run from a guy with a melee especially if you're cop since you run faster
Thats why i also added this "Adding Brass Knuckles would be a good alternative for new players to make them choose in between the Aluminum Bat or the Brass Knuckles."

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