The Mental Health Thread

Deleted member 1235

Good post @Synatec Probably one of the better posts I've read on this forum for a couple of years.

Depression is nothing to joke about, but unfortunately, a lot of people do. And even more, people have a hard time understanding it. From my own experience, a lot of people are unsure how to deal with it.
Untreated depression is very dangerous. But the very hard step to talk to a doctor is definitely worth it.

Unfortunately here in Sweden at least the common trend is the give patients medication and then send them on their way. This is not the way to help. Medicine can absolutely be a part of it, but regular sessions are required. Sessions with a professional might not even be required, if you have someone else you can talk to. Sometimes, it can be much easier to talk to a family member or even a friend. Another very important step is to keep talking sessions up, depression doesn't just go away.

I am unsure how it works in other countries, but here in Sweden you can together with your doctor plan to slowly stop using antidepressants. Depending on the dosage, it could be very dangerous to just stop out of the blue. A lot of the antidepressants make you addicted to them, which can turn for the worst if you just stop.

In general, if you are going to start with antidepressants, consult with at least two doctors. And make sure you read the warning labels! Honestly, this is something everyone should do before starting to use any kind of medication that you are supposed to take for a long time.

When I was around 13, doctors after a long investigation noticed that my metabolism was not like it should. meaning I had a hard time gaining weight and resulted in me being very very tired. I was told to start taking pills, so I did. What the doctor did not say was that there was a very slight chance of you getting depressed while eating this kind of pill. I then received antidepressants, to counter the effect of my metabolism pills. Which just caused even more issues. I went into a very deep depression, which took several years to get out of.
When I turned 17, I for some reason thought I knew better than everyone else. Stopped eating my pills, did not tell anyone about this, and as expected this resulted in some very bad things.

If anyone in this community is depressed, find someone to talk to. And see a doctor. Follow the advice I have given above. If you are under the age of 18 it's much easier to get help fast, in Sweden at least. So start early!
As I'm 23, I would not be able to attend regular sessions with a doctor, nor would I get very good follow up if I used the public health system.
Therefore I have resorted to paying an insane amount of money to use private health care.

Even if it's hard to talk about your feelings and issues, it's definitely worth it. The pain of opening yourself up is much less than the pain of hitting rock bottom.
The stopping of taking the pills is something I've done myself. At the time you genuinely think you know best (after all it's our own body right?)
I stopped taking everything for my Mental Health, Seizures, Anorexia etc. Needless to say within a week I was a wreck, felt like someone was pressed up against me in bed or in my room (I lived alone at the time). Now I know to listen to the doctor when they say to come off them slowly, and I'd recommend others do the same.


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The stopping of taking the pills is something I've done myself. At the time you genuinely think you know best (after all it's our own body right?)
I stopped taking everything for my Mental Health, Seizures, Anorexia etc. Needless to say within a week I was a wreck, felt like someone was pressed up against me in bed or in my room (I lived alone at the time). Now I know to listen to the doctor when they say to come off them slowly, and I'd recommend others do the same.
Exactly, I've taken pretty strong antidepressants, and stopping from a high dosage out of the blue was my worst nightmare. I honestly can't say I've recovered, and it has been a few years since I got back on track.

Deleted member 1235

Exactly, I've taken pretty strong antidepressants, and stopping from a high dosage out of the blue was my worst nightmare. I honestly can't say I've recovered, and it has been a few years since I got back on track.
These were the 4th different ones I'd been on. They made me vomit and feel so nauseas, which for someone in my position who's been told by professionals to 'avoid vomitting at all costs' wasn't very good.
To go from taking around 8-9 tablets a day to 0 was quite weird to say the least.
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I get bullied a lot by my discord friends, they keep calling me a band kid but i keep telling them i am not, does anyone know an actual way to convince them i am not a band kid, its making me kinda sad they keep calling me it.
@Aquaa :(
Shut up band can't chill in my discord channel......go in general with all the other weirdos
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United Kingdom, Devon
Depression is a bitch, a huge killer in society but specifically in young men. Had 2 friends commit suicide back when I was 16-17 due to stress of college and the transition being too much, I think everyone nowadays has had an experience and although I may seem like someone terrible to come to with your personal problems I'm always here to help.

Love u all
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United Kingdom, Devon
The stopping of taking the pills is something I've done myself. At the time you genuinely think you know best (after all it's our own body right?)
I stopped taking everything for my Mental Health, Seizures, Anorexia etc. Needless to say within a week I was a wreck, felt like someone was pressed up against me in bed or in my room (I lived alone at the time). Now I know to listen to the doctor when they say to come off them slowly, and I'd recommend others do the same.
I came off them and luckily didn't experience that, heard it is pretty dangerous though and a coin flip with your well-being.
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United Kingdom, Devon
I’m still quite young, so there’s time for things to get better.. or worse, but all be myself a talker, I don’t tend to talk about this sort of thing because I’ve simply never felt comfortable doing so. However, I’d like to get some stuff off my chest.

For the last 3-4 years, my sister has been battling depression and this impacts not just me but also the rest of us. I can’t put a finger on why this is, but she’s a very naturally intelligent person and I think it was massively to do with the extraordinary amount of pressure she was putting on herself to succeed for years on end. It was just such a shame to see her turn from one of the most vibrant people to someone who doesn’t even leave her bedroom some days. I had no clue she was feeling like this for years, I noticed a difference but I always thought she was just being edgy; until that fateful day I was told that she’d drank bleach. I still can’t really comprehend that someone so loved as her would even consider something that stupid, but I can’t bear to put myself in her shoes so I wouldn’t know. I can thankfully say though, that she’s improving and I’m seeing more of her best qualities once again - definitely on the right track, she’s off to interview at Cambridge soon and everything seems to be going well once again.

I say this because I think sometimes we forget how much the mental health of people close to us can affect our own mental health. I definitely beat myself to shit for a while at the thought of what kind of brother I am for my own sister to feel like that but at seeing her improvement, thoughts like that no longer cross my mind.

I’ll leave this boxed off so I don’t have to re-read myself saying it, but I’m very sexually confused. I’ve always kind of known I’m gay, and it’s recently gotten “worse”. I can’t change it so I don’t bother giving myself shit for it, but it’s something that I’ve hated myself for in the past and I’ve only really come to accept it now. Being open about it is a whole different thing, this might be a step in the right direction though. I’m sure it’s not just England youth that’s like this, but kids/teenagers are homosexual as fuck and I don’t really know why. It’s because of this, that I’m absolutely terrified to do or act a certain way around lots of people because of how it will be received. It also contributes massively, and essentially created, the anxiety I have. Especially meeting new people. I’ve grown up having to change certain parts of myself for different people to the point where I’ve forgotten who I actually am, but I’m in a group of friends currently whom I’m a lot more comfortable with and can be much more myself. I’m sure everything will become clearer as I continue to grow, but I can’t see much actually changing.

Like everyone else has said, if you’re ever feeling down and need someone to speak to - feel free to shoot me a message.
Honestly didn't even sus a single moment that you were gay, be open and be fucking happy dude, besides you being toxic in sits you're v nice

Deleted member 5577

I’m still quite young, so there’s time for things to get better.. or worse, but all be myself a talker, I don’t tend to talk about this sort of thing because I’ve simply never felt comfortable doing so. However, I’d like to get some stuff off my chest.

For the last 3-4 years, my sister has been battling depression and this impacts not just me but also the rest of us. I can’t put a finger on why this is, but she’s a very naturally intelligent person and I think it was massively to do with the extraordinary amount of pressure she was putting on herself to succeed for years on end. It was just such a shame to see her turn from one of the most vibrant people to someone who doesn’t even leave her bedroom some days. I had no clue she was feeling like this for years, I noticed a difference but I always thought she was just being edgy; until that fateful day I was told that she’d drank bleach. I still can’t really comprehend that someone so loved as her would even consider something that stupid, but I can’t bear to put myself in her shoes so I wouldn’t know. I can thankfully say though, that she’s improving and I’m seeing more of her best qualities once again - definitely on the right track, she’s off to interview at Cambridge soon and everything seems to be going well once again.

I say this because I think sometimes we forget how much the mental health of people close to us can affect our own mental health. I definitely beat myself to shit for a while at the thought of what kind of brother I am for my own sister to feel like that but at seeing her improvement, thoughts like that no longer cross my mind.

I’ll leave this boxed off so I don’t have to re-read myself saying it, but I’m very sexually confused. I’ve always kind of known I’m gay, and it’s recently gotten “worse”. I can’t change it so I don’t bother giving myself shit for it, but it’s something that I’ve hated myself for in the past and I’ve only really come to accept it now. Being open about it is a whole different thing, this might be a step in the right direction though. I’m sure it’s not just England youth that’s like this, but kids/teenagers are homophobic as fuck and I don’t really know why. It’s because of this, that I’m absolutely terrified to do or act a certain way around lots of people because of how it will be received. It also contributes massively, and essentially created, the anxiety I have. Especially meeting new people. I’ve grown up having to change certain parts of myself for different people to the point where I’ve forgotten who I actually am, but I’m in a group of friends currently whom I’m a lot more comfortable with and can be much more myself. I’m sure everything will become clearer as I continue to grow, but I can’t see much actually changing.

Like everyone else has said, if you’re ever feeling down and need someone to speak to - feel free to shoot me a message.
It gets a whole lot better once you leave secondary school
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You know, just seeing this thread and all the replies made me realize how nearly everyone that you interact with nowadays, and especially this generation has struggled with some deep issue, whether it be a MHI or a disease or a tough life. I personally have been taking medication for 2 years now and battling with depression and anxiety and man it is tough. We all joke about it to hide the fact that we have these issues or try to see these issues in a positive way but sometimes you have to look at things for what they are. During this COVID period, people have become much braver and opening up has become encouraged and I can't thank those who have put themselves out there enough. It is okay to suffer, it is okay to have issues, it is okay to be sad. You are never alone, people understand. At times where I've attempted suicide, I wish I had reached out to someone to tell me all this because one person can make the biggest difference. I encourage you all to be open about your issues, reach out to your friends, family, and regularly ask them about how they're doing. Thank you @Synatec for bringing this serious issue to light, It'll make a big difference in this community.


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You know, just seeing this thread and all the replies made me realize how nearly everyone that you interact with nowadays, and especially this generation has struggled with some deep issue, whether it be a MHI or a disease or a tough life. I personally have been taking medication for 2 years now and battling with depression and anxiety and man it is tough. We all joke about it to hide the fact that we have these issues or try to see these issues in a positive way but sometimes you have to look at things for what they are. During this COVID period, people have become much braver and opening up has become encouraged and I can't thank those who have put themselves out there enough. It is okay to suffer, it is okay to have issues, it is okay to be sad. You are never alone, people understand. At times where I've attempted suicide, I wish I had reached out to someone to tell me all this because one person can make the biggest difference. I encourage you all to be open about your issues, reach out to your friends, family, and regularly ask them about how they're doing. Thank you @Synatec for bringing this serious issue to light, It'll make a big difference in this community.
I completely agree, this is a very serious issue. And as people sometimes play games, and go online to get a break from their lifes. I feel it's important that people should feel safe talking about it if they wish. Can be easier talking to someone online than face to face.
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Somebody that I was very close to killed themselves a few years ago. I didn't know their struggle, and never will. Talk to and appreciate those closest to you, even if you have drifted apart, because you still can. I would let myself be tortured to see them again.
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2021 is here and I remembered I made this thread just before 2021. I did this so I had somewhere to share my feelings and get input from people that share these feelings with me. I made this to encourage people to talk about it. I made this to reflect on myself and now I encourage everyone else that replied to do this as well.

When I read through my post I started getting pretty emotional seeing how I felt in December. I feel much better now. Of course, I am still in a bad place and this will most likely stay like this for a while but I can notice improvements. The day speeds by again, a week passes while it felt like 2 days. Before today a week felt like a month due to me overthinking everything. I finally feel like it does get better and I can finally say that I have hope. I feel like I have a purpose again instead of being just another human that is walking around on Earth. I still have those days where I just don't want to do anything and I also still have those days where I think of harming myself but I know this will reduce over time but most importantly I know that I won't harm myself, I know that it'll take time for it to become 100% better and I know that I am not alone. I get amazing support from my family and friends and I even got a close friend of mine to really vent out his feelings, I can see that he is feeling much better as well and that alone makes me a happier person.

Life is fucking short man, there is so much you can do and so much to achieve that it isn't worth it to spend years feeling down. Pick yourself up, start talking about it with your relatives, make a CHANGE. It won't get any better until you make it better, that is the most important life lesson I have learned recently. If you want something to be good fucking make it good! This includes life! If you want your life to be good you need to do everything in your power to make it good and you shouldn't stop until you have achieved everything you wanted to do in your life. Make a bucket list and start doing those things! Everyone dreams about what they want to do in the future but then stop after they dreamt about it for a while, GO CHASE THAT DREAM! Nothing fucking stops you except yourself!

If any of you reading this want to talk about their feelings but don't want to post it publicly, hit me up. We can talk and I'll make sure it stays between you and me.

Stay safe