Piano Sustain Setting + Validation?

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Idea 1

Description of the idea: Please add a setting for toggling sustain on/off. With the sustain checkbox ticked, the notes played by the piano would be 'held' by the piano (ie. without the player having to hold down the note for it to continue to play), then fade out over time. In my experience, the standard sustain fade out time is 8 seconds.

Why should this be added? (pros):

+ Sustained notes sound great for most songs available for gmod piano. In fact, the standard is that sustain is toggled on by default across all of the virtual pianos I have experience with.

+ We pianists will no longer have to ask ourselves 'is it possible for me to keep 4 to 6 of my fingers on 4 to 6 of these notes to make it sustain and sound nice, while also considering where i need to move my hands to play the next set of notes, physically moving them while also trying to hold down as many of the previous notes as possible, while also trying to maintain the tempo of the song?' to which the answer is mostly 'maybe keep holding down about 2 of them, but not for as long as you would like to because we need to play something else now'

What negatives could this have? (cons):

As far as I can tell, there are no real negatives to this. If you were pushing me, a person who hates the sound of the piano could argue that they may be forced into listening to a few notes at the end of the sheet for a little bit longer while it fades out, but I do not believe that it is reasonable for a person to take umbrage with this potential issue.

Idea 2

Description of the idea: This may be a little O.T.T (over the top) but I kind of get the vibe that people think I am using autoplaying software/macros/MIDI scripts to play and I'm assuming this also happens to other pianists on the server. It is likely that this drives down business for us. Could there be an autoplaying detection system coded in? Could legitimate pianists be verified in some way? It doesn't bother me too much, but with the introduction of a tipping system I predict that people will use autoplaying software/macros/MIDI scripts to play piano and unfortunately fool people into tipping them.

Why should this be added? (pros):

+ Legitimate players will be respected more rather than people accusing them of using autoplaying software/macros/MIDI scripts

+ Players will be alerted if someone is using autoplaying software/macros/MIDI scripts before choosing to tip them.

What negatives could this have? (cons):

- Bit of a pain to implement.

- There are always going to be ways to get around being detected for using autoplaying software/macros/MIDI scripts

- It may flag legitimate players who are just too good


Going a bit off template, but if this 2nd idea does appeal to you, do let me know and I'll let you know some of the super secret ways to detect a naughty autoplayer via PM
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predict that people will use autoplaying software/macros/MIDI scripts to play piano and unfortunately fool people into tipping them.
Everyone has done this since the pianos were added. I think a ban on midi playing software goes too far, depending on on your midi software and the hardware you used sustain might work? I thought it worked, at least trough MIDI. I'll try with my own keyboard later today.

The timing is usually dogshit with autoplayers anyway, it's quite easy to notice or you just bully them by placing yours on the same channel
Everyone has done this since the pianos were added. I think a ban on midi playing software goes too far, depending on on your midi software and the hardware you used sustain might work? I thought it worked, at least trough MIDI. I'll try with my own keyboard later today.

The timing is usually dogshit with autoplayers anyway, it's quite easy to notice or you just bully them by placing yours on the same channel

I do not believe there should be a ban on MIDI scripts etc, simply that people should be warned they are tipping someone for effectively doing nothing, allowing them to make an informed choice on how much they should tip. Perhaps a message 'This person appears to be using autoplaying software, are you sure you want to tip them £xamountofmoney?' before tipping.

In terms of sustain, I am more referring to the use of sustain in QWERTY, not MIDI.

Yes it's quite easy to notice autoplayers for people who know what to look out for, but not for the average passerby who may be interested in giving a tip. I'm assuming this because despite clearly playing legitimately I am accused of autoplaying on a daily basis.
Perhaps a message 'This person appears to be using autoplaying software, are you sure you want to tip them £xamountofmoney?' before tipping.
This would need some effort to be implemented and is really not necessary. I haven't been on since the new update but I believe players would lean towards tipping real midi/qwerty keyboard users instead of those using Aria Maestosa which should be easily distinguishable. It's about the effort you put in which granted isn't easy if you're new to this instrument but it's up to the player tipping themselves if the person playing deserves it or not.
We will add the sustain feature soon (sometime next week).
Detecting if someone is autoplaying midi or actually playing it on a midi piano is sadly not really possible.
I finally managed to add it, should be on the server tomorrow.
If there are any bugs with it please feel free to pm me.

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