The Fall Of The Third Reich | 1945 (This is a goodbye post)

Reaction score
The Formal Surrender Of German Forces - 1945 - Colourized

Man where do I even start? I'm not one for writing loads of stuff so I'll keep this all as short as possible.

For those of you who didn't know, I joined this community in 2013 (I know it doesn't feel real after 8 years that it's finally over) I was playing here and there because of my friends who got me to join. I joined the forums sometime in February 2014 where I really started to get involved with everything.

I've been a staff member three times here in this community.

My first reign of terror was way back in 2014 where I was a Moderator for around 3 or 4 months, I then quit the community and had a break ( I will admit that I was actually a pretty average staff member and often made loads of bad calls) I then returned to the community near the end of 2015 and I was a completely different person with a different style, this was proven by the fact that I was actually quite popular. I finally made it to Admin sometime in 2016 and I stayed until 2018. I then once again rejoined the community in 2019 and made it to admin again.

To everyone that I have met over the years, I hope I gave you a good impression and experience here in the community.

I'm going to tag a "small" This is in alphabetical order to make it easier!

@A1L - One of the few good cops in this community but his brother is way cooler!
@aarondavid45 - Dude you're really weird but funny at times
@Adrish - He smells
@Alan Erwin - Run a cool shop and is a cool guy to be around
@Alex_:D - Help me save money! Alex was a great influence for me back in 2014 even though he's a minge now lul
@Alliat - Rest in pasta
@amir - stupid smiley pfp
@Andoyan The real OG gansta!
@AnEmma - She stole @Madda
@Appricey - You were a good friend once, hope everything works out for you my dude!
@Aquaa - Can I have a Tesla?
@Ash - I miss you
@Atomic - bye friend
@Ayjay - One of my good friends back from 2014, we don't talk as much but I appreciate you!
@Bean Can - Stupid American
@Belg Lmfao - Gnome!
@Bert - You're another weird USA man
@BigBenji - The KING of suggestions!
@Birksy - Bojing is mine!
@blackdown - Stupid American, my second favourite person that I met in my time here. goodluck with everything and stay in touch!
@Blicky - BLACKY!
@blobvis 2.0 - Maybe they will give you my admin spot now? gonna miss you my dude!
@Bojing - Bojing you are my third favourite person, you could always make me laugh and I'll miss you!
@Bolli - Fuck you Bolli, thanks for having me as staff! you're not totally as useless as people think!
@Brinch - One of the people who I always missed, you were a real OG with me!
@captain - ANOTHER American!
@Carrot - <3
@CensoredExe - You remind me a lot of a furry, sorry :D
@Clarky - Cya mate
@Code Monkey - Good luck with your son, he better be an admin here in 13 years!
@Cole - The Reich has fallen!
@Collier - Don't worry friend, I'll still send him your way when he needs help!
@Creepis - Another person who I will miss, you don't play much anymore but you're an OG!
@curak - cya pal
@D3V - Boyle is cooler than you, I enjoyed my time in your org when we used to craft stupid defences.
@Dank - Save the server!
@danny - cya
@DJ Conyo - You never knew this but you were actually one of my favourite people in this community, I'll miss you!
@Dom_ - I'm still convinced you have an aimbot, goodluck out there brother!
@Double J - You and mim are the same person, I'll miss you too.
@Efan - You've helped this community in so many ways, I was wrong about you!
@Exnem - Cya friend, I enjoyed our Space adventures together!
@FARSTAD - I interacted with you one or two times and you seemed like a fun guy in game
@Fasool - <3
@Firuz132 - <3
@flugs - I know you didn't like me because I shouted at you but I'm glad we're friends now and I'll miss you
@Fredy - Thank you for being such a smart leader to us all! I will buy you McDonalds!
@Garo.k - Another OG Gansta!
@George - I liked you as staff and I called you my friend, I'll miss you!
@GraveDinosaur - LOVE YOU!
@Hayden - One of my friends over the years and the person I always wanted as Admin with me, I'll miss you mate.
@Hendricks - The Reich has fallen my friend!
@Husky - Goodluck on CSGO! <3 <3
@ICEKILLER_99 - Another aimbot!
@Inchs - Hot
@It's ANGRY MUFFIN time!!! - Cya mate
@Jack Bushross - You not bored of killing everyone yet! cya mate
@Jay Hatch - @Collier is always happy to help you friend!
@jimmythehamster - Enjoyed all my interactions with you, goodluck with everything friend
@joey - you're still weird too
@John Daymon - Sweden sucks
@Jon Godinn - The Jedi shall rise!
@Josef - cya mate
@Kay - peace out mate
@Kempotent - Another one of my favourite people in this community, although @Bojing is funnier!
@Kenty - buying UAVs
@Lelios - <3
@LEWIS 088 - HEIL to myself!
@LilPenguin - Chikenz rule!
@LinkerNippel - Goodluck mate
@Lucius Husky - you and Daft Punk are the same person! change my mind!
@Madda - Wanna buy some GE
@Mannerwaffel - <3
@McGlinchy - Weirdo! goodluck with everything mate
@Mim - Don't be a Nazi like me, and you demoted me from PD so you suck! Cya mate and goodluck
@MiniRaze - cya friendo
@Minilarro - We are the OG Nazis
@Misel - next senior mod
@money - can I have some money
@MrLewis - Brummie4life - One of my OG friends in this community
@Murtsley - lizardman
@Niko - <3
@northnortheast - You're from the south bro
@nutrient10 - cya mate
@obidan66 - one of the nicer people in the community, never forget the staff complaint you made on me in 2014 lul I'll miss you my friend!
@Ophelia - Cya friendo
@Prepper - Naaaaaaaammmm!!!! some of the best rp on the server and a good friend!
@Pugga - Man is a report machine!
@Pusheen - I'm finally freeeee!
@Racxes - An OG friend, someone I'm glad I met in the community, I'll miss you mate!
@Riekelt - You're just basically TinySlayer <3
@Robin Ljungberg - #MercGang
@rogue - Wales needs more roundabouts
@roxie - Penguins are fucking cool!
@Rutger - Enjoyed our times in 2014 man
@Samuel - can we invade Madda now!
@Scrabuz - I enjoyed meeting you on the server, goodluck mate
@Sdac2 - Use your old mic!
@Shay - Young Lady!
@Smudger - I still miss you!
@SpaceShots - You are still a SpaceBot! miss you mate
@Spoon - Another one of the unlikely people that I became really good friends with, we're playing WT soon friend!
@StephenPuffs - Thanks for all your dev stuff you done friendo!
@Super_ - Another good friend, I'll miss you mate.
@Synatec - I'm not sure if you ever felt like that I didn't like you but I did, I'll miss you mate!
@Tanges - Best owner but don't tell the others!
@THE SPOOK - no more intersection duty friend!
@thehomelessdude - We should all buy you a house, also you have an aimbot bro
@Tilin - Cya mate
@Tim Meijer - Another person who I miss in the community!
@Tinky - Cool guy
@TinySlayer - Sorry about my activity, I still hope I made you proud Mr DataMan! goodluck with everything and thank you for the chance to come back!
@Travis - chill guy, shame about the whole thing that happened
@Tyla Jai - Pls don't delete the forums or break anything else! It was a pleasure playing with you over the years mate @Hazza is a weirdo though
@walnash - cya mate
@Wiki - you suck at Hoi4
@Xquality - Thanks for all the fun times on the server!

If I didn't tag you it's either because you haven't logged onto the forums in years, your forum account has been deleted or I just couldn't remember your username.

This is not the fall of the third reich, this is just a strategic retreat disguised as a surrender! despite being a war crime smh

At least that's what I'm gonna tell myself from now on.
Space Engineers was a load of fun, and while I didn't interact much with you by myself, you were a really cool guy when I did.
Wish you the best, where-ever you end up.

P.S: I suck just as much as wiki does at HOI.

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Goodbye @LEWIS 088 !

You have been a great friend since 2014 and I'll always cherish the fun memories we have. Never in a million years did I think we would both be Admins together here, but I'm very glad I had the chance to come back in 2020 and work together with you again.

I wish you the best, and I hope you stop spending so much fucking money on WT, seriously.
Much love <3
I’d say I’ll miss you, but I already have been missing you! You were a great Administrator and the “wisest of them all” or whatever I called you back when I was a baby Enforcer. Can’t stress how crazy this is to me that you’re gone, but I wish you the best of luck with whatever you plan on doing next in your weirdly messed up schedule.

Until our paths next cross.
well what else do you want me to say?! i thought it was a refreshing dose of formal into this rather informal mix and i thought he’d appreciate that. if you don’t like the game don’t talk to the players or something.
"@Lucius Husky - you and Daft Punk are the same person! change my mind!"
What...? How...? Wait.. what?

You are a great guy Lewis, You were a great admin and it is sad to see you go. I hope you'll atleast stay around and sometimes come on to experience the minging part of perp!
I’m a glad to be your third favorite sir. We have shared some great memories, I shall carry on your legacy (of being a weird northern person not a nazi). Don’t forget to pop in here and there. Congrats for the many years of staff, I wish you the very best for the future!