An Admin has taken your report alert

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Description of the idea: adds a alert that says
{Rank} {name} has taken your {report/helprequest} {report number} they will answer your {report/helprequestsoon} soon

Why should this be added? (pros): its convient so you know if a moderator is dealing with your report

What negatives could this have? (cons): none really

*Other additions: [list here]

*Images: [useful images]
Exactly what I thought, the reply sound already tells you enough.
yeah but at least you know when they have taken it so you aint stuck there wondering if its been taken or still queued or what
yeah but at least you know when they have taken it so you aint stuck there wondering if its been taken or still queued or what
Most reports are taken quickly. If they are left open too long then usually staff get moaned at. I'll make sure to bring it up in the next meeting though.
as jimmy said most of the time we start dealing with reports in a very quick manner and start working on them shortly after they're created (such as either checking logs or responding with the information we require from you). When we send a message in the report is about the time we've gathered all the things we need for it (such as the other persons POV and response, or requesting more things from you, the reporter).
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