Server Suggestion Tourniquet

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Description of the idea:
Add a Tourniquet medical item.

The tourniquet should be applied to slow down the effect of bleeding. The benefits of a tourniquet over a bandage would be you should be able to apply one without having to put your weapon down.

Tourniquets should be significantly cheaper than bandages.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Good to stop you instantly bleeding out after being shot.
- Realistic to a degree as a tourniquet is often the choice item for police and combateers to prevent bleeding in public.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Development time (Might not see use)​
i think a way to balance tornaquiet's is that while applying it you cannot aim your weapon but can hip fire it
i think a way to balance tornaquiet's is that while applying it you cannot aim your weapon but can hip fire it
The idea is you get a status bar that stops you sprinting as you apply it and your weapon goes to passive.
Only way i could see this ever being useful is if it took maybe 1-3 seconds to apply and didnt stop you from shooting like you said.

Bandages only take a few seconds to apply, in all honesty i dont think this would really be worth the development time.
So this is not a bump, Just a reinvention on how the Tourniquet should/could work.

My idea for the Tourniquet is to have officers have 2 of them with them with the use of slowing down the death of downed suspects.
Lets say if a person has a weak pulse then before Tourniquet is applied they have around 35 seconds left before bleeding out completely.
With the use of the Tourniquet it could extend it by around 30 seconds making it so paramedics have just a bit more to respond.

The Pro(s) to this would be :
- Paramedics have more time to respond
- More roleplay as less people will pass away
- It would not take over FF CPR as CPR would compliment this even more.

The Con(s) to this would be :
- Maybe a few pissed criminals who rather bled out then get arrested for 9.2/9.5/11.11 , other then that none?
So this is not a bump, Just a reinvention on how the Tourniquet should/could work.

My idea for the Tourniquet is to have officers have 2 of them with them with the use of slowing down the death of downed suspects.
Lets say if a person has a weak pulse then before Tourniquet is applied they have around 35 seconds left before bleeding out completely.
With the use of the Tourniquet it could extend it by around 30 seconds making it so paramedics have just a bit more to respond.

The Pro(s) to this would be :
- Paramedics have more time to respond
- More roleplay as less people will pass away
- It would not take over FF CPR as CPR would compliment this even more.

The Con(s) to this would be :
- Maybe a few pissed criminals who rather bled out then get arrested for 9.2/9.5/11.11 , other then that none?
I honestly think it's an excellent idea to give a tiny health roll to PD but not take away the jobs of others. Maybe another negative might be taking away urgency. But, the EMS is usually stretched thin sometimes for response, so I think it would work perfectly for those regards.
I honestly think it's an excellent idea to give a tiny health roll to PD but not take away the jobs of others. Maybe another negative might be taking away urgency. But, the EMS is usually stretched thin sometimes for response, so I think it would work perfectly for those regards.
Yes, It would give EMS a little bit more time, and the urgency will remain when with 90+ players on average EMS gets called to a different scene every 2-3 minutes where they are stuck for at least a minute per scene. Therefore the 30 extra seconds could be life saving.
I was just thinking actually. This item could also fit the firefighters well. Sure they can't resuscitate the suspect/victims but they can delay the amount of time for the bleed-out to save lives. It adds more useful things for them to do rather than stay at the fire station all day which helps to increase activity.
I was just thinking actually. This item could also fit the firefighters well. Sure they can't resuscitate the suspect/victims but they can delay the amount of time for the bleed-out to save lives. It adds more useful things for them to do rather than stay at the fire station all day which helps to increase activity.
They have CPR that fills the same purpose.
Only way i could see this ever being useful is if it took maybe 1-3 seconds to apply and didnt stop you from shooting like you said.

Bandages only take a few seconds to apply, in all honesty i dont think this would really be worth the development time.
It'd presumably be a lot quieter than a bandage too, it's often very easy to see and hear someone going in for a bandage.
I honestly think it's an excellent idea to give a tiny health roll to PD but not take away the jobs of others. Maybe another negative might be taking away urgency. But, the EMS is usually stretched thin sometimes for response, so I think it would work perfectly for those regards.
The PLPD already has a lot to offer though. Paramedics imo need more features/perks rather than cops
It'd presumably be a lot quieter than a bandage too, it's often very easy to see and hear someone going in for a bandage.
I mean, this can be mitigated by Walls and such, and may not even do too much, as very rarely do you bandage without being covered by another person unless your 100% your safe.
Yeah, this shoudnt just be a reskined bandage, should be an exclusive or have an advantage over using a bandage
It'd presumably be a lot quieter than a bandage too, it's often very easy to see and hear someone going in for a bandage.
This was a new idea on the Tourniquet, I may have to make a new Idea & Suggestions but didn't want to clutter up the thing anymore Refer to this for the actual new idea :
So this is not a bump, Just a reinvention on how the Tourniquet should/could work.

My idea for the Tourniquet is to have officers have 2 of them with them with the use of slowing down the death of downed suspects.
Lets say if a person has a weak pulse then before Tourniquet is applied they have around 35 seconds left before bleeding out completely.
With the use of the Tourniquet it could extend it by around 30 seconds making it so paramedics have just a bit more to respond.

The Pro(s) to this would be :
- Paramedics have more time to respond
- More roleplay as less people will pass away
- It would not take over FF CPR as CPR would compliment this even more.

The Con(s) to this would be :
- Maybe a few pissed criminals who rather bled out then get arrested for 9.2/9.5/11.11 , other then that none?

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