Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/firefighter.18810/
Main Idea: Give cones/barriers and bandages to Firefighters
Full description of the idea:
So for once i decided to go for a firefighter and I had a fire at City Hall. I came across people that wanted to enter due to no barriers.
I think firefighters should be able to get cones and bandages for if they are bleeding(and to help others who are bleeding)(Pointed out by @Allen Kennedy to be useless) and use the blockades when they have to close off the street or buildings when needed.
Possibly add them at firefighter job but also possible to get them at pd just like medics.
Why should it be added?:
I think firefighters should be able to get cones and bandages for if they are bleeding and to help others who are bleeding and use the blockades when they have to close off the street or buildings when needed for example due to large firetruck being in the way on highway or bazaar.
More medical help as we already have medic kit.
More block off possibilities when needed.
Can bandage due to bleeding suspects or self
Placing useless props as firefighter.
Main Idea: Give cones/barriers and bandages to Firefighters
Full description of the idea:
So for once i decided to go for a firefighter and I had a fire at City Hall. I came across people that wanted to enter due to no barriers.
I think firefighters should be able to get cones and bandages for if they are bleeding
Possibly add them at firefighter job but also possible to get them at pd just like medics.
Why should it be added?:
I think firefighters should be able to get cones and bandages for if they are bleeding and to help others who are bleeding and use the blockades when they have to close off the street or buildings when needed for example due to large firetruck being in the way on highway or bazaar.
More medical help as we already have medic kit.
More block off possibilities when needed.
Can bandage due to bleeding suspects or self
Placing useless props as firefighter.
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