Police Armory

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Description of the idea: Make it so that the PD have to pay for their weapons they get from the armory

Why should this be added? (pros): Cops will actually value their life because they have some sort of thing to lose instead of rushing into situations, also another money sink for all the cop mains.

What negatives could this have? (cons): idk maybe an officer doesnt have enough money to buy a gun.
Description of the idea: Make it so that the PD have to pay for their weapons they get from the armory

Why should this be added? (pros): Cops will actually value their life because they have some sort of thing to lose instead of rushing into situations, also another money sink for all the cop mains.

What negatives could this have? (cons): idk maybe an officer doesnt have enough money to buy a gun.
what price range are we talking about
Fuck no.

You realise cops just get shot in the head without realising right? Sometimes even being in circumstances which are against the rules.

Imagine 50 Refund requests a day for money lost when they got killed in circumstances against the rules.

Theres also the fact that cop pay is so fucking stupid compared to, well, any other source of civilian income.

Half the time unless there’s a lot of supervisor ranked players on the PD runs at 6 out of 12/16 officers, forcing them to pay what would be their entire hours wage for a gun would be preposterous and would just kill the cop job.

Allowing cops to pay for better guns? Possibly. Making them pay for an M9 5 shot to kill pistol when they’re fighting people with Assault rifles and shit? Daft. Few people would reasonably pay that.

Overall would turn drugs into the only viable source of income.
Officers have policies to follow, Why should we pay for a gun when we can't even shoot it half the time unless someone is a threat to life, Also realistically weapons are funded by the city. As I stated officers have a strict use of force policy to follow whereas civilians do not, I do come from Arma 3 Modded Life where we did pay for our weapons but I just don't see this being a viable option on PERP due to the fact ARMA Life is basically just Deathmatch. Also what benji said
This is a dumb idea, first of all if you let cops pay for their guns, you'll have to increase the amount of money they get. I don't know what you're talking about, about creating a money sink. Let me enlighten you, a cop doesn't earn 250k an hour like a powergrowers/good raid organisations does. Yes indeed you guys can loose a gun worth 20k, however taking into account the amount of money you guys can make, that's only spare money, high risk/high reward. Creating a money sink for cop mains, isn't something we need lol. This would be like getting medics to pay for using a defib.

Government employees are always able to use state issued equipment, they shouldn't be paying for it.
depending on the gun really, pistols would mostly be like 3k ar's 10k and snipers around 20k
so you're telling me if i want to go heavy TFU sniper i should spend 25minutes of my earnings? to get killed before even being able to use it, because of flankers being everywhere?
you're all making it out like you have to pay millions for a gun, not only do you have numbers you have free guns.
depending on the gun really, pistols would mostly be like 3k ar's 10k and snipers around 20k
Christ, at that point you might as well just make it that cops bring their own guns on duty :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

In which case, expect me and @Kenty to roll up to the next bank raid with M82s and a dream
Christ, at that point you might as well just make it that cops bring their own guns on duty :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

In which case, expect me and @Kenty to roll up to the next bank raid with M82s and a dream
off-duty weapons arsenal for TFU please thanks!
I know you guys love bashing on the PD but this never going to happen. This would just kill the job for sure and no one will play cop because they will keep dying and having to pay for weapons. You gonna make them pay for their patrol vehicles next?
Cop mains -1 the suggestion without even thinking about the fact that most cop mains literally sit with millions in their bank because they have nothing else to do. Cops dont care about pushing and dying because they lose nothign but 5 mins. Make them pay little but still something so they maybe value their life more.
By breaking laws you're choosing to risk your gun or whatever you had on you. Cops shouldn't have to lose stuff because they're not directly putting themselves in the position to lose their shit.
By breaking laws you're choosing to risk your gun or whatever you had on you. Cops shouldn't have to lose stuff because they're not directly putting themselves in the position to lose their shit.
This is such a strawman argument... You could also argue that Cops choose to be cops and therefore choose to be able to lose whatever gun they have.

I disagree with the suggestion, but this is a terrible argument.
This is such a strawman argument... You could also argue that Cops choose to be cops and therefore choose to be able to lose whatever gun they have.

I disagree with the suggestion, but this is a terrible argument.
What if you're a cop because you enjoy traffic stops or pursuits that dont end in shootouts? There should be more to being a cop than just shootouts
Cop mains -1 the suggestion without even thinking about the fact that most cop mains literally sit with millions in their bank because they have nothing else to do. Cops dont care about pushing and dying because they lose nothign but 5 mins. Make them pay little but still something so they maybe value their life more.
I don't know where you make this assumption on because I currently hold the grand total of 80k in my bank. Lets do some maths.

A average player can grow 150 leaves every 20 minutes (2 badges of weed). This is a total of 90k an hour. Now an officer makes +- 150 per minute. This is 9k per hour. That is a 10th. Why would that have to be spent on weapons?

If you say well you have unlimited numbers that ain't an argument. 9/10 cops are pistol players who will get destroyed before even have the oppurtunity of announcing themselves.
This has to be the worst ideia I have read in this forums lmao, makes no sense, cops die a lot more than criminals and TFU even more, we would have to play as cop for hours just to receive enough salary to pay for a rifle xD
What if you're a cop because you enjoy traffic stops or pursuits that dont end in shootouts? There should be more to being a cop than just shootouts
All power to you, then you don't need a gun xd. The math is not that hard.
All power to you, then you don't need a gun xd. The math is not that hard.
Yes because traffic stops and pursuits never end in guns being pulled.

This is a really bad argument. Adding onto Dank’s statement, I too only have less than 100k in the bank. I just prefer to play as a cop and having to pay to protect myself agains crim mains would just ruin it for me.

More often than not cops don’t see their deaths coming because they either pull over the wrong car that thinks they are warranted or they get an M82 round through their skull whilst sitting on a perimeter.
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